From supporting photographic evidence, it has been brought to the attention of the parish council that a number of vehicles are being parked on pavements, presenting a hazard to pedestrians.  In addition, there have been repeat cases of certain vehicles obstructing the pavement to facilitate electrical charging.  Some agricultural vehicles are also being parked in such a manner to obstruct junctions and almost completely blocking pedestrian access.  This practice is particular hazardous to people with a visual impairment and parents with young children in prams/pushchairs.

These offences are happening in various places around the village but of particular concern are the areas of Church Street and Hyde Lane.

The parish council seeks co-operation from all residents to refrain from this practice with immediate effect.  The police have been advised and supplied with photographic evidence of these incidents and have already made initial visits which will be repeated to note persistent offenders.

Thank you for your support and compliance with this polite request.

Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council