Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 6th September 2023 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse.


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, S Bruce, R Sherratt, S Wager and the clerk, S Hampson.  There was one member of the public in attendance for part of the meeting.


Part 1 Non-confidential information

23.9.1 Apologies and attendance register

Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from Mr Grindey.  The other members present completed the attendance register.  There was no need, by any member present, to declare an interest in the agenda items.


23.9.2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  


Resolved:  to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat


23.9.3 Public speaking

There was one member of the public in attendance until the end of this section.  She attended to seek advice from the parish council regarding delivery vehicles blocking a right of way.  In addition, during the presence of the heavy delivery vehicles causes a reduction in water pressure to some of the households on this particular access lane. Mr Annat provided some background information on the front of properties at this location concerning responsibility with Derbyshire County Council (DCC).  Further discussions took place regarding the historic deliveries to the public house.  The chairman and the clerk suggested that the lady contact DCC Rights of Way, DCC Highways, STWA and Punch Taverns. 


Mrs Broomhead MBE confirmed the proposed date for the Christmas lights switch on to be Sunday, 3rd December.  Members discussed sourcing a tree but this would not be possible without establishing a new power source. 


Resolved:  Mr Wager to make an approach to Western Power regarding the possibility of a permanent power source to the grass island.

Resolved:  Mr Annat to make an approach to a previous supplier of a Christmas tree regarding a tree and also a possible power source.

Resolved:  Mr Wager to source additional cable coverage.


Mrs Bruce reported the state of the grass verges on Stonewell Lane which are not presently attended to by the appointed mowing contractor.  Some of the problematic areas are those concerned with wild flowers managed by the Hartington Community Group.  The clerk advised that the present mowing contract will end in October and new tenders will be sought. Mrs Bruce also supplied a letter from a resident raising concerns about the pavement on Church Street.


Resolved:  the clerk to request the mowing contractor to incorporate this area during his final cut and for him to liaise with Mrs Bruce regarding the areas concerned.

Resolved:  the clerk to report the Church Street pavement to Derbyshire County Council (DCC).


23.9.4 Update from District Councillor and Local Projects Fund

The District Councillor was not in attendance.  Mrs Broomhead MBE reported that she had not yet submitted an application for Local Projects Funding towards the War Memorial Plaque and stone as she had been waiting for costs regarding the proposed new plaque.


Resolved:  (as per July minutes) to submit an application for £500 towards the achievement of a carved stone information panel at the War Memorial.


23.9.5 Former cheese factory site

Mr Annat advised that houses remain unfinished.  Some amendments have been made to proposals for the affordable housing.  It had also been reported that a calor gas tank had been buried on the site.  The developer has a responsibility for this and a retrospective application should be made if the tank is to remain there


Resolved:  Mr Annat to respond to the resident raising the concern about the calor gas tank


23.9.6 Telephone box and painting

Mr Wager had sourced telephone box red paint and the Oddfellows team had almost completed the exterior refurbishment of the former telephone box.  The parish council members were extremely grateful to Hartington Oddfellows for their hard work.  New telephone box signs had been ordered.  The interior remains a mess and further work will be required with the interior. Consideration will now be given to alternative uses for the interior, perhaps of a creative nature. Consideration was also given to obtaining a vintage type telephone set up (non-functional).


Resolved:  to pay for the new signs and to reimburse individuals for any restoration and painting items.


23.9.7 Neighbourhood Plan

Mr Annat advised that new grants will be available.  Mr Annat had contacted the consultant for a summary with a view to a new grant application being completed by Mr Annat.  The consultation statement has been written and the new website well underway.


23.9.8 Drainage and flood team

Mr Annat had submitted a report to Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) and the Flood Team to liaise regarding the alleviation scheme as part of the enablement and a survey of the culverts.  There was nothing further to report at the meeting.


23.9.9 Wakes’ Wells’ Dressings

The Oddfellows have booked Warslow Silver Band for the Wakes’ march on 9th September.  As previously agreed, the cost of the band will be met by the parish council.  The wells’ dressings at the pump and school well complete.  Mr Annat advised that next year, two more people would be required to ‘puddle’ the clay.  Particular thanks were expressed to the 5 gentlemen who had assisted this year with the clay. There had also been an excellent response to the petalling.


23.9.10 Co-options policy

Mr Annat had converted a document to word immediately prior to the meeting to enable the clerk to amend a Co-options policy for the council.


23.9.11 Mowing Contract

Members will need to consider requirements for the forthcoming tender process for 2024-2026, including a specification regarding wild flowers, the village hall area plus any new areas.  This represents quite a substantial cost to the parish council.


23.9.12 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, administration, mowing contractor

Cq 1693 S Hampson               September clerk’s salary                                            £408.77

Cq 1694 HMRC                      Quarter 2 income tax                                                  £322.20

Cq 1695 S Hampson               September internet provision                                      £17.00

Cq 1696 S Hampson               Reimbursement of expenses                                       £12.90

Cq 1697 Hartington Village Hall  Meeting hire                                                         £27.50

Cq 1698 Shelter Maintenance                                                                                    Invoice not received

Cq 1699 B W Coles                Garden of Remembrance                                           £672 VAT £112.00

Cq 1700 B W Coles                August x 2 mowing                                                    £564.00 VAT £94.00

Cq 1701 Warslow Silver Band Wakes’ performance                                                £250.00

Cq 1702 Blandy & Blandy LLP Refund grave space E Nutter                                  £93.40


23.9.13 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals

There were no new planning applications.


23.9.14 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting                           

It was reported that a pot hole is developing on the turning into Parsons Close on the Derbyshire Dales District Council,(DDDC) entrance.  Also see public speaking regarding a complaint regarding the state of the pavement which is covered in slippery moss and small stone.  The drains near the pavement are also blocked.


Resolved:  the clerk to report the matter to DCC.


Despite some recent intervention on Hall Bank, the surface area remains extremely rough beyond Hall Farm.  There are also other potholes requiring attention.   The potholes also remain on Dig Street and around the grass island in the centre of the village despite being reported. 


23.9.15 Correspondence and communication

Rural funding digest, Rural bulletin, News from DCC, DCC snow warden scheme*.


*The Oddfellows may be interested in assisting with some aspects of the scheme.  The clerk reiterated that the free grit supplied as part of the scheme is for pavement use, not road use. Members discussed the use of a small sprinkler/scatterer system and the storage of grit.  Members of the community group may also be interested.


Resolved:  Mr Wager to investigate the cost of an appropriate sprinkler which may assist in the spreading of grit on pavements.


23.9.16 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial and plaque, Neighbourhood Plan, local projects fund, telephone box, former cheese factory  site, external audit, drainage and flood team, Remembrance Day, burial ground and mowing contract requirements for 2024-26 


Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.


Resolved:  *The clerk to contact the mowing contractor for a quote to remove the gravel around the old garden of remembrance plaques, lay a membrane and replace gravel.


23.9.17 Date of next meeting:  Wednesday, 4th October 2023 


Confidential Items


23.9.18 War Memorial and information plaque

The clerk had contacted the contractor originally appointed to rebuild the War Memorial wall regarding the building of a small kerb, in front of the recently planted new trees and a quote had been received in time for the meeting. 


Resolved: to accept the quote of £820 plus VAT and for the works to be undertaken at the War Memorial prior to Remembrance Day.


Members discussed again, the use of a sloping piece of limestone carved with an agreed inscription detailing the history of the War Memorial.  A revised inscription had been prepared for the plaque.  The contractor undertaking the new kerb wall was not interested in quoting for this.


Resolved:  The clerk to seek quotes from monumental masons to carve the inscription into a piece of all polished limestone.


The meeting was declared closed at 9.00 pm.


Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council


18th September 2023

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting