Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 7th June 2023 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse.


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, R Sherratt, S Wager and the clerk, S Hampson. There were no members of the public in attendance.


Part 1 Non-confidential information

23.6.1 Apologies and attendance register

Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from Mr Grindey and Mrs Bruce.  The other members present completed the attendance register.   The District Councillor had also forwarded apologies in advance of the meeting.  There was no need, by any member present, to declare an interest in the agenda items.


23.6.2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  


Resolved:  to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat


23.6.3 Public speaking

There were no members of the public in attendance.  Mrs Broomhead MBE advised that there would be a celebration of the purchase of the portable ECG meeting on 8th June, to acknowledge the contributions of multiple parish councils and other groups.


23.6.4 Update from District Councillor

The District Councillor was not in attendance.


23.6.5 Former cheese factory site

The planning officer from Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) had forwarded a response regarding the building materials proposed to be used on some of the future properties.  This was detailed to be with gritstone from either Stoke Hall Quarry or Birchover.  A sample will be secured to ensure its appearance is satisfactory.  At the recent meeting attended by Mr Annat and Mr Grindey, PDNPA had stated that they had tried to ensure a high quality development would be achieved and that PDNPA would work with the parish council.  The developer has not taken up pre-planning advice and insists that the drainage challenge measures are not required, as he believes the estate will not flood.  The proposed swale was for the benefit of the estate and the rest of the village.  PDNPA is reviewing the swale.

There has been speculation and articles in the national press regarding the planning service at PDNPA which may require government intervention. Some staffing issues are being addressed.

No further information has been received from the applicant of the proposed cafeteria/shop and visitor centre at the development site. 


Resolved:  Mr Annat will submit, in writing, a letter to the PDNPA Planning Committee, prior to 16th June which will include opposition to the stone being proposed for the construction of the future properties.


23.6.6 Telephone box and painting

The clerk had contacted the Oddfellows group with a request for consideration of assistance with some restoration work to the telephone box such as sanding, cleaning and painting.  Mr Wager and another member of the group had kindly viewed the works in advance of the meeting and believed this could be undertaken.  The clerk had contacted two difference paint suppliers of authentic BT paint but neither of whom had replied prior to the meeting.


Resolved:  to try and obtain paint from an alternative source and for the remedial works to take place prior to the wakes.


23.6.7 Neighbourhood Plan

Mr Annat advised that works had taken place on green spaces and the consultation statement.  These are now being appraised by the appointed consultant with the condition statement being written around these documents.  Mr Annat had also met with an IT consultant regarding a site map for the plan.  Previous versions of the plans from 2018 have evolved, showing the obvious audit trail.  The process is now moving forward towards completion.


23.6.8 Representation on PDNPA

Mr Annat had decided not to step forward as a candidate for parish member representation on PDNPA.  Members of the parish council considered the other nominations and felt they did not know enough to continue with the selection process.


23.6.9 War Memorial

The clerk had contacted the contractor originally appointed to rebuild the War Memorial wall regarding the building of a small kerb in front of the recently planted new trees but unfortunately, the contractor had received an injury. Mr Annat thanked Mr Sherratt once again for the water supply to enable kind volunteers to regularly water the newly planted trees.  He also thanked Mrs Broomhead MBE for arranging the volunteers. Watering will be required for approximately 3 months to enable the trees to thrive.


Resolved:  the clerk to again request a site meeting with Mr Annat and the contractor regarding the kerb building and a suitable stone to affix an information plaque and to request that this be attended to as soon as possible as watering the trees without a kerb in place is causing some unsightly mess.

Resolved:  Mr Annat to forward a letter of thanks to the volunteers for their considerable efforts in maintaining the survival of the new trees, particularly during the period of dry weather.

Resolved:  Mr Annat and Mrs Broomhead MBE to liaise regarding the information for a plaque at the War Memorial.


It was reported that the Head Office of the YHA had been responsible for placing an ‘A’ board chained to one of the war memorial posts.  Fortunately, the local management of the YHA had kindly taken immediate action to remove this from the vicinity of the war memorial and moved it further up Hall Bank.  They had also sent a letter of apology for the actions of the Head Office.


23.6.10 Review of policies

The clerk had forwarded the policies for the website showing new review dates of June 2023.


Resolved:  to adopt a new co-option policy.


23.6.11 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, administration, contractor,

Cq 1678 B W Coles                Mowing                                   £564.00  (VAT £94)

Cq 1679 S Hampson               June clerk’s salary                  £387.97

Cq 1680 S Hampson               June internet provision           £17.00

Cq 1681 S Hampson               Reimb. of expenses                 £10.10

Cq 1682 Village Hall              Hire                                         £27.00

Cq 1683 HMRC                      Quarter one income tax          £290.80

Cq 1684 Plan:8 Town Planning  Neighbourhood Plan          £360.00 (VAT £ 60)


Election expenses nil returns were completed by members present for submission.


23.6.12 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals

NP/DDD/1222/1614 Hall Cottage, garage and extension

Decision notice – granted with existing vehicular access modified, no gates


Mr Annat had been advised, in advance of the meeting, that 3 prominent mature trees would be felled at Springfield House the day after the meeting.  Planning permission for this action had been granted to the owners.


23.6.13 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting,

The clerk had contacted Derbyshire County Council (DCC) and Councillor S Spencer regarding the complete lack of response to previously reported potholes and highway issues.  Due to the pressure from the parish council, personal intervention from Councillor Spencer had resulted in some matters being escalated and attended to within 48 hours, including the pothole near the village shop and some areas on Hall Bank.  A road-sweeper had also visited the village.


23.6.14 Correspondence and communication

Details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and in addition to those matters covered by the agenda included:  DALC newsletters, Rural Bulletins, DCC news, MMA (the clerk had contacted the ranger service regarding this), Funding Digest, PDNPA closures paused, new National Park management plan, DALC day 27.6.23, Local Projects Fund*, Statement of community involvement consultation (Mr Annat to respond), 7th October PDNPA parishes day, mobile library routes, ESN bulletins, training opportunities.


Resolved:  *Mrs E Broomhead MBE to complete an application for Local Projects funding through the District Councillor in connection with the refurbishment of the telephone box, audio history and the war memorial plaque.


23.6.15 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial, Neighbourhood Plan, telephone box, former cheese factory site, co-option policy, external audit, drainage and flood team, wells dressings and wakes.  Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.


23.6.16 Date of next meeting:  Wednesday, 12th July 2023  (NB this is not the first Wednesday of the month)


The meeting was declared closed at 8.55 pm.


Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

13th June 2023

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting