Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council


A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 6th April 2022 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse of Hartington Village Hall.


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, A Grindey, S Bruce, S Wager and the clerk, S Hampson. There were no members of the public in attendance


Part 1 Non-confidential information

22.4.1 Apologies and attendance register

Apologies had been received from Mr R Sherratt. Members present completed the attendance register. There was no need by any member present, to declare an interest in the agenda items below.


22.4.2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  


Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat


22.4.3 Public speaking

There were no members of the public in attendance.


22.4.4 Update from District Councillor

The District Councillor was not in attendance.


22.4.5 The Stanner

The clerk had contacted Derbyshire County Council (DCC) again with reference to their map and had pointed out the need for the repair work but there was no response in time for the meeting.


Resolved: Mr Annat to inspect the perimeter of the Stanner prior to the next meeting to assess if the area of damage could be addressed through parish council means.


22.4.6 War Memorial trees

The clerk had approached the owner of land to the rear of the War Memorial with a request to purchase a small amount of land to enable the above considerations to be achieved; the letter was read to the council members. The parish council would also meet all legal costs involved in the purchase. The clerk had not received a response in time for the meeting. Mrs Broomhead MBE was provided with a copy of the letter as she may see the land owners prior to the next meeting. Mr Annat had written to a reputable tree supply company.


22.4.7 Former cheese factory site

Mr Annat had made an approach to the Managing Director of Long Clawson who had confirmed that the covenant at the site remains in force. A further discussion will take place at the end of the week. Initial advice is that the local community must be prepared to challenge any proposals for cheese production at the site.

22.4.8 Flooding

There was nothing further to report on flooding and fortunately, no major incidents are expected in the short term. A knowledge of the network of culverts and drainage systems would be very useful.


Resolved: The clerk to contact Derbyshire County Council and the Flood Team to request a map indicating all the village culvert networks and drainage systems.

22.4.9 Telephone box and painting

BT had forwarded a copy of the final signed contract with the final adoption date recorded in March 2022.


Mrs Broomhead MBE had provided some information in advance of the meeting regarding the possibility of a volunteer to be considered in assisting with the repainting of the telephone box. The clerk had queried insurance and experience. The matter was discussed further. Mr Annat suggested that acquiring the telephone box was of significant importance to the village and after viewing the telephone box more closely, including the lettering, whether a professional painter and sign writer should be approached to ensure the authentic nature is maintained. A couple of local professionals were discussed.


Resolved: The clerk to make an initial contact with one professional local contractor for advice and estimate to repaint the telephone box using authentic paint. Financial regulations may necessitate a further quote.

22.4.10 Neighbourhood Plan

Mr Annat reported that a lot of work had been undertaken on the neighbourhood plan since the last parish council meeting. A further steering group meeting will take place on 25th April for a further review leading towards the final plan. A development boundary will be a vital part of the plan.


22.4.11 Grit bins

The clerk had chased the refilling of the parish council’s grit boxes. Mr Grindey reported that the quantities remained the same in the boxes and these had not been attended to since the last meeting.   He further reported that a number of old tyres had been dumped next to the grit bit on Station Hill.


Resolved: To report the tyres to DDDC for safe removal.


22.4.12 Queen’s Jubilee

Mrs Broomhead MBE kindly provided another update on plans/events for the forthcoming commemoration including the private beacon. Mrs Broomhead MBE had also successfully completed a grant application for £500 for Hartington Community Group (HCG) in addition to receiving a National Lottery Grant. She advised that HCG had public liability insurance. Members thanked Mrs Broomhead MBE for her hard work involved with a comprehensive programme of celebrations.


22.4.13 Planters

Mrs Broomhead MBE advised that the old planters would be removed over the forthcoming weekend and new ones put in situ. Mr Wager kindly offered assistance with a trailer.   New bee friendly plants are due to arrive after 25th April.


22.4.14 Defibrillator and first aid training sessions

Mrs Broomhead MBE had arranged for two forthcoming first aid training sessions. In addition to a subsidy towards to costs of individual’s training fees, Mrs Broomhead MBE advised that the Hartington Community Group would be making a financial contribution to the total cost of the training. There would also be hire costs for the use of the village hall for each training session. Mrs Broomhead MBE requested that the parish council give consideration to making a contribution towards the hall hire and a portion of the subsidy. The clerk and responsible finance officer had queried if some parish council members would receive training as part of this subsidy. Members gave consideration to the requested subsidy as the training will result in 24 people receiving a first aid qualification within the village.


Resolved: Mrs Broomhead MBE to arrange for an invoice from HCG indicating the percentage required from the parish council. Mrs Bruce and Mrs Broomhead MBE to receive defibrillator and first aid training.


Following the recent unfortunate required use of the defibrillator, it had been necessary to order replacement pads, as a matter of urgency, to ensure the function of the defibrillator. The clerk had ordered two sets to ensure there would be a spare set, in case of a future use; however, it was appreciated that both these pads would have a similar expiry date if not used. The replacement pads had been received prior to the meeting and kindly fitted by Mrs Bruce and checked by Wetton and Alstonefield First Responders.


22.4.15 Meeting dates

Forthcoming meeting dates had been prepared by the clerk:


Resolved: To accept the dates and publicise on the website.


22.4.16 Bank Account

There are a few logistical issues with the present bank account, including on line banking for all signatories. Members discussed the possibility of an alternative provider.


Resolved: to make further investigations and discuss at the next meeting.


22.4.17 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration

Cq 1593          The Defib Store                                  2 sets of defib pads                 £199.20 (VAT £33.20)

Cq 1594          Hartington Community Group           Donation News & Views            £250.00

Cq 1595          Hartington Village Hall                      Meeting hire                           £27.50

Cq 1556          Void

Cq 1557          S Hampson                                         April internet provision            £17.00

Cq 1558          S Hampson                                         Annual premises allowance            £312.00

Cq 1559          S Hampson                                         Reimbursement of expenses            £11.30

Cq 1560          S Hampson                                         April clerk’s salary                 £251.36

Cq 1561          DALC                                                 Annual subscription               £108.61


The clerk had received external audit documentation to be completed in preparation for both the internal and external audit of the parish council’s accounts.


The national pay awards for parish council clerks had been received. 


Resolved: to approve the nominal increase in the hourly rate for the clerk and to receive back pay from 1st April 2021, as per the agreed award. This to be incorporated in the May salary.


22.4.18 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals

A new application had been received at Dairy Close for ashedwas considered.

Resolved: To support this application.

It was reported that a number of planning variations to previously approved planning consent at the former cheese factory site were on the Peak District National Park Authority’s (PDNPA) website but the parish council not required to be consulted on these variations. PDNPA had advised that an application at Springfield House had been withdrawn.


22.4.19 Highway issues and yellow lines, potholes, footpaths, street lighting

The faulty street light near Springfield House was reported by the clerk, after the last meeting. The clerk had been advised by Derbyshire County Council’s (DCC) Street Lighting team that the issue was not straightforward and an electrical engineer would be required to attend to fix the problem; no time frame had been given. It was reported that some pot holes had been mended over High Cross.


22.4.20 Correspondence and communication

Included: Defib store invoice for defibrillator pads, DCC News, Rural Bulletins, DCC and police commissioner team up, Street light near Springfield needs additional electrical input, homes for Ukraine scheme, Derbyshire and Derby Minerals Local Plan, Queen’s jubilee celebrations, energy rebate scheme, speed indicator devices, DDDC forums, conversion of historic buildings planning supplementary document. PDNPA Ranger regarding the footpath at Wolfescote.

Following serious parking issues at the YHA, the Head Office had been contacted. A less than satisfactory response had been received stating steps had been taken but no details provided how this will be achieved.

Resolved: the clerk to make further contact with the YHA requesting confirmation that technological faults regarding parking had been addressed.

Resolved: Mr Annat to investigate DCC speed indicator devices.
22.4.21 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial Trees, Neighbourhood Plan, Telephone Box, Queen’s Jubilee update, mowing contract. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.


22.4.22 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 4th May 2022

This date will be the date for both the Parish Annual Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.


Resolved: To conduct the Parish Annual Meeting at 7.15 pm, followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at 7.30 pm.


Part 2 Confidential information

22.4.23 Mowing contract and tenders

Following the resignation of the previously appointed and very satisfactory mowing contractor, on health grounds, the clerk had sought tenders from three suitable candidates but two had declined to submit a tender. The third tender was from a local business man with a responsibility for mowing in the neighbouring parish, to a very high standard. This gentleman had also provided evidence of sufficient public liability and licences.


Resolved: it had been necessary to appoint the above gentleman to enable the contract to commence on

1st April 2022, for two years, subject to the return of signed contracts.


The old garden of remembrance and path in the parish council cemetery are frequently subject to weeds growing and previously, kind volunteers have attended to this. However, in view of the appointment of a mowing contractor with the necessary licence to use weedkillers, members considered a request for him to quote to attend to this twice a year.


Resolved: The clerk to request a quote from the newly appointment mowing contractor for two applications of weedkiller and the removal of weeds from the path and Garden of Remembrance area. 


The chairman and members of the parish council gave a special thanks to Mrs Hampson for the completion, on 1st April 2022, for 25 years of outstanding service as clerk to Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council.


The meeting was declared closed at 9.10 pm.


Mrs S Hampson,


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council,

8th April 2022


©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting