A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Tuesday, 3rd March 2020 at 7.30pm in the Bake House.


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, R Sherratt, Mr A Grindey, Mrs S Bruce, Mr S Wager, the clerk,

S Hampson and District Councillor, D Chapman.  There were no members of the public in attendance.


Part 1 Non-confidential information

20.3.1 Apologies

There were no apologies.


20.3.2 Declaration of personal interest of councillors

There was no need, by any member present, to complete an entry in the register.


20.3.3 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.


Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr D Annat.


20.3.4 Public speaking

There were no members of the public in attendance; however, one resident had liaised with Mr Annat in advance of the meeting, offering his services to maintain the village seats. Members were pleased to receive this generous offer.


Resolved: to accept the offer but to request receipts for materials to enable reimbursement to be made to the resident for out of pocket expenses.


20.3.5 Update from District Councillor

The district councillor was in attendance. He provided an update regarding revisions to the waste contract from September. A charge of £50 will start to apply for the use of the green wheeled bin for garden waste. Mrs Broomhead MBE raised the possibility of receiving a £15 discount for early application for the green bin. Mrs Bruce raised again the issue of trade waste bins not segregating waste.


Resolved: District Councillor Chapman to take the queries to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) and report back at a subsequent parish council meeting.


20.3.6 Former cheese factory site and new planning proposal

District Councillor Chapman advised that he had recently seen the Head of the Friends of Peak District CPRE and he had pledged support with the former factory planning application.


Another new planning application had been received on the day of the meeting which had not been published on the Peak District National Park Authority’s (PDNPA’s) website. The members had not had the opportunity to view this Section 73 proposal before the meeting.   In view of this, a cursory look was given to the proposal. PDNPA had asked for a decision within only 14 days.


Resolved: The chairmanto ask for an extension to the deadline until after the April meeting as the proposal represents far more than an amendment.


20.3.7 Neighbourhood plan

The necessary maps associated with the Neighbourhood Plan have now been returned. There is still a lot to write but Mr Annat continues to progress the matter forward.


20.3.8 Grit bins

The clerk had requested that one of the grit bins on Reynards Lane be filled and Mr Grindey confirmed that this had now taken place.


20.3.9 VE Day

Mrs Broomhead MBE had forwarded details of proposals to commemorate this occasion. It was acknowledged that a lot of work had gone in this planning and will result in a good occasion to get together. Mrs Broomhead MBE requested that the parish council consider a donation towards the cost of commemoration mugs to present to the parish children during the planned street party. It was acknowledged that there was not now much time left but VAT could be reclaimed if purchased through the Parish Council.


Resolved: Mrs Broomhead MBE to make enquiries regarding the cost of the provision of mugs with a view to purchasing at an appropriate cost. 


20.3.10 New Garden of Remembrance and cemetery area

It was acknowledged that the path in the parish council cemetery is significantly narrow. The contract recently awarded will be carried out when the weather permits.


20.3.11 Pump and War Memorial

The contract has been appointed and awaits suitable weather conditions to carry out the works.


20.3.12 Items of account

Cq 1427          Shelter Maintenance Ltd        Bus shelter cleaning   £10.50             (VAT £1.75)

Cq 1428          Hartington Village Hall          Hire                             £27.50

Cq 1429          S Hampson                             March internet prov    £10.00

Cq 1430          S Hampson                             Clerk’s salary             £239.36

Cq 1431          S Hampson                             Reimb of expenses     £7.31

Cq 1432          HMRC                                    Quarter 4 income tax £179.60


Resolved: to present cheques at the April meeting for News and Views (£150), Hartington Community Group for village groups and planters £500 and £300.


20.3.13 Planning applications, planning sub-committee and appeals

The pre-planning advice service has been suspended for a period of 6 months. Some of the personnel at PDNPA are on sick leave. The parish council is sympathetic to the individual members of staff at PDNPA but are concerned at the service being offered to the community throughout this period.


20.3.14 Highway issues, signs, pot holes and street lighting

It was reported that the pot hole on Dig Street reported after the January meeting had now been mended. The traffic regulation order for the new yellow lines in Hartington is going through the first consultation stage.


The old signing on the island indicating the route to the toilets was not installed by DCC and it is not their policy to direct the public to toilets. DCC do not propose to make any changes to the existing signs. Mrs Bruce advised that the no parking signs around the perimeter of the pond are bend and of need of attention. It was further reported that the street lights on the Mill Lane and the public car park have still not received attention despite being reported after the last meeting.


Resolved: the clerk to readvise DCC of the street lights needing attention.

Resolved: the clerk to request that the signs around the pond receive attention before the VE day celebrations.


Mrs Bruce reported that some of the contractors working at the former cheese factory site are speeding down Stonewell Lane.


Resolved: to contact the contractor working on the development to advise of the speed limit which should be adhered by the contractors.


20.3.15 Correspondence and communication

Correspondence details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and included: 


NALC toilet survey, DALC newsletter, VE Day planters, low cost public seating, Great British spring clean, DCC electrical recycling.


20.3.16 Items for the next agenda

Cemetery remedial work and Garden of Remembrance, former cheese factory site, neighbourhood plan, village pump stone steps and War Memorial pointing, VE Day. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk. 


20.3.17 Date of next meeting

1st April 2020


Part 2 Confidential information

There were no confidential items to discuss

The meeting was declared closed at 8.45 pm

Mrs S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
3rd March 2020

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting