A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 15th July 2020 at 7.30pm in Hartington Village Hall follow social distancing guidelines in view of the Coronavirus pandemic in Britain.
Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, R Sherratt, Mr A Grindey, Mrs S Bruce and, the clerk,
S Hampson.  There was one member of the public in attendance until the end of the public speaking session.
Part 1 Non-confidential information
20.7.1 Apologies
Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from Mr S Wager.
20.7.2 Declaration of personal interest of councillors
There was no need, by any member present, to complete an entry in the register.
20.7.3 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard. There was a delay between meetings due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic which had swept through the country since March 2020. 
Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr D Annat.
20.7.4 Public speaking
There was one member of the public in attendance who remained until the end of this section. He raised a number of issues.
Inconsiderate tourist parking around the duck pond and on Mill Lane. The gentleman was advised that Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is going through the lengthy legal and publication process of putting in place some additional yellow lines in the village. Additional yellow lines will also be included in the Neighbourhood Plan. Members of the parish council sympathised with the member of the public’s opinions regarding the traffic issues. (Also see agenda item 20.7.15  Highway Issues)
On the subject of litter, the chairman advised that Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) will not provide additional litter bins or amendments to the day of the waste collection service and would not be able to provide a key to the litter bins. 
The members shared his concerns about the arrival of a pizza ‘hut’ which has recently been located outside the Devonshire Arms. Prior to the meeting, the District Councillor had been contacted and in turn, Peak District National Park Authority’s (PDNPA’s) Senior Planner. DDDC seemed to be of the opinion that it had been placed on land belonging to the Devonshire Arms; this is not the case. It is located on an extension of the highway. Concerns were expressed regarding the potential opening without a licence and also concerns from the other local businesses. It was reported that a licence has been applied for. Hartington is subject to a Consent Street Licence which may have a bearing on any decision.
In addition to the member of the public, members of the parish council had also become aware of an application for an off licence and music licence at the Farm Shop on Mill Lane. The parish council will not be officially consulted regarding the off licence and music licence; however, the parish council can respond to public nuisance should it occur. Members thought that there could be grounds to challenge this licence on the grounds of preventing crime, nuisance, protecting children from harm etc as it may be much easier, if the licence was granted, to obtain alcohol and potentially abuse it. The village has experienced alcohol related damage in the past. Depending on the number of opening days and hours, this proposal will be competition for other businesses but the parish council appreciated diversification in the current climate. Hartington Community Group may be a vehicle to enable other public groups to also have an opinion on this.
Resolved: Mr Annat to draft a letter to forward to the clerk for submission to the licensing authority.
Members thanked the resident for raising all the above issues and the hard work involved in preservation of some of the village seats and shared his thanks to the local shops and businesses during the Covid 19 pandemic.
20.7.5 Update from District Councillor
The district councillor was not in attendance; however, he had forwarded information regarding the licensing authority in relation to the Pizza ‘hut’ outside the Devonshire Arms and the consent street licence in the village referred to above.
20.7.6 Former cheese factory site and new planning proposal
The chairman had forwarded lots of information regarding the site in advance of the meeting. Members discussed yet further planning variations. PDNPA will almost certainly accept, in August, the third variation which includes an unadopted roadway through the middle of the development. There will be no entry from Bridge End Farm side. Other amendments include:  relocating a garage and changes to the four affordable rental properties, both their footprint and design (an affordable housing provider is not in place). A barn and the largest garage on the development appear on green field; a reduction in the number of rooflights must be enforced. An elevated storage area and large drains have been put in. Despite variation after variation, the parish council does want to see the development completed but no houses should be occupied until the swale has been completed. Mrs Bruce reported that she had been led to believe that one of the properties has already been sold, with occupation rumoured to take place within a month. 
Resolved: Mr Annat to make the final submission to PDNPA which will include the parish council’s dislike of the amendments to the affordable properties and the constructions on the green field.
On a separate note at the site, members reported an extremely loud reversing beeper which is audible almost all over the village. Members are fully appreciative of health and safety requirements; however, other plant vehicles do not seem to create such noise pollution. Another of the Amos four trak vehicles regularly travels at excessive speed when accessing and leaving the site.
Resolved: The clerk to report concerns to the developer regarding the noise and speed of construction vehicles involved with the site.
20.7.7 Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2020, internal and external audit, internet accessibility statement
Members congratulated the clerk/responsible finance officer for the preparation and accurate production of the accounts and successful internal audit of these. The clerk had also prepared an accessibility statement in relation to the parish council’s website. 
The preparation of the accessibility statement for the parish council website prompted a discussion about the possibility of using a website provider to manage a suitable website. Mr Annat presently spends valuable time managing the present site.
Resolved: To accept the accounts and the accessibility statement.
Resolved: The clerk to make enquiries to a website provider
20.7.8 New Garden of Remembrance, cemetery area shrubbery and maintenance
The first Garden of Remembrance area has been manually cleared of weeds and subsequently sprayed with thanks to Mr and Mrs Annat. The shrubbery impacting on the use of two burial spaces was discussed. This shrubbery also provides privacy to the Old Vicarage. Following the discussion, members considered that removing the shrubbery would still not allow easy access to two burial spaces. This will; however, have the potential of a loss of burial and memorial income from these two spaces.
Resolved: not to attempt to use burial spaces for conventional burials adjacent to the shrubbery and to continue burials from space 125 towards the large tree at the entrance. 
Resolved: to consider using the spaces between grave space 125 towards the shrubbery as Garden of Remembrance spaces in the future.
Resolved: Mr Annat to write to the owner of the Old Vicarage regarding the shrubbery.
20.7.9 Pump stones and War Memorial Area
The clerk and Mr Grindey have liaised with the contractor appointed to attend to the pump stones and the War Memorial area, as the work has not yet commenced. The contractor has been busy and has now been in hospital. The quote from this contractor was considerably cheaper than previously considered quotes but the parish council is mindful that the work needs to be undertaken.
Resolved: In view of the delay, contact should be made with the second choice of contractor to see if he could undertake the work at the higher prices. If this is possible, the appointed contractor to be advised that in view of the delay, the work has had to be offered to another contractor.
20.7.10 The Stanner and Duck Pond
The parish council has previously discussed measures to improve the village pond and the past use of barley straw had been partially successful. During the lockdown recess, communication had been received from a resident regarding the duck pond. Someone in the past has introduced fish to the pond; however, several members of the parish council believe that fish should not be in the pond at all. In the resident’s opinion, the pond is a in a poor state and the fish were distressed in the low level of water. Mr Wager had kindly attended to one portion of the pond in need of remedial work and the pond has improved with rainfall although the high level of silt still needs clearing. The clerk suggested that she could approach the neighbouring parish council to enquire about the possibility of depositing the fish into Heathcote Mere. Methods of removing the fish were discussed, including a fisheries worker stunning them.
Resolved: Mrs Bruce to contact a fisheries worker regarding the optimum way to safely remove the fish from the pond.
Resolved: The clerk to approach Hartington Nether Quarter Parish Council regarding Heathcote Mere for the fish.
Mr Grindey suggested that consideration could be given to obtaining professional input for the duck pond although acknowledged this could be costly but this could be precepted for. Members believe the pond to be clay lined and this should not become damaged during any procedure to remove the silt. Therefore, the use of local contractors who know the pond and are in possession of the correct equipment and have the ability to dispose of the silt appropriately will be very important. Replenishing the water stock will also have to be considered in the short term.
Resolved:   to appoint Mr Sherratt, as a paid contractor, to remove the silt and dispose of it in safe way in view of achieving the best possible outcome, in a reasonable time frame. 
The tarmac around the Stanner is in need of attention by DCC, Highways Department. Members thanked Mr and Mrs Annat and Mrs Broomhead MBE for their hard work in weeding the overgrown perimeter areas of the Stanner. It was thought that a digger may be required to attend the base prior to the winter months.
20.7.11 Brief update on Hartington Village Hall and memorial plaques
Mrs Broomhead MBE had kindly provided an update on works at the village hall in advance of the meeting; however, subsequent to receipt of this, an immense  and shocking discovery had been made regarding the roof timbers. Approximately 50% of these could be rotten requiring replacement. The valley to the extension is a disaster. This discovery will have a catastrophic impact on expenditure. The estimated costs for the roof and timber repairs will now rise from approximately £28,000 to £42,000. £10,000 of irrecoverable VAT will also be involved.
Mrs Broomhead MBE had approached members in advance of the meeting to give consideration to the parish council funding the cost of a memorial plaque for a former village hall secretary who had recently passed away. This lady had provided outstanding service to the village hall. The clerk had urged caution regarding funding plaques for individuals in case of public perception on the funding and omitting people from the past and that the outside of the hall may not be the most suitable place for this. Other members agreed with this point of view.
Resolved: in principle, the parish council should not fund memorial plaques for individuals from other organisations and suggested that the village hall committee give consideration to commemorate this individual in some way.
20.7.12 Amendments to the mowing contract
During the lockdown period, it had become apparent that it was necessary to incorporate some additional areas into the mowing contract. The chairman had liaised with the contractor and approved these areas. The contractor now incorporates additional areas on Hall Bank, Dig Street and The Dale. All members and the clerk are extremely happy with the standard of mowing in the cemetery and in the village.
Resolved: to continue to pay the additional sum to cover the additional mowing areas and to amend the contract accordingly.
20.7.13 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration, section 137, village planters
Cq 1433 Central Design Ceramics Ltd         VE Day mugs                         £220.80            (VAT £36.80)
Cq 1434 S Hampson                                      Annual premises allowance    £216.00
Cq 1435 S Hampson                                      April clerk’s salary                 £ 239.36
Cq 1436 S Hampson                                      April internet provision          £10.00
Cq 1437 D Wood                                           New Garden of Remembrance £960.00
Cq 1438 D Wood                                           Mowing contract cut 1            £360.00
Cq 1439 DALC                                              Annual subscription               £104.40
Cq 1440  Zurich Municipal                            Insurance premium                 £358.11
Cq 1441  Hartington Community Group        News & Views                        £150.00
Cq 1442  S Hampson                                      May internet provision           £10.00
Cq 1443 S Hampson                                      May clerk’s salary                  £239.76
Cq 1444 S Hampson                                      Reimb. of expenses                £8.82
Cq 1445 D Wood                                           Mowing contract 2 cuts          £440.00
Cq 1446 HMRC                                             Quarter 1 income tax              £179.60
Cq 1447 S Hampson                                      June internet provision           £10.00
Cq 1448 S Hampson                                      June clerk’s salary                  £239.36
Cq 1449 S Hampson                                      Reimb. of expenses                £8.65
Cq 1450 D Wood                                           Mowing contract 3                  £440.00
Cq 1451 B Wood                                           Internal audit fee                     £25.00
Cq 1452 Shelter Maintenance Ltd                 (Prepared, invoice not received)
Cq 1453 Lester Lowe Ltd                              Gravel cemetery                     £216.00 (VAT £36.00)
Cq 1454 S Hampson                                      July internet provision                        £10.00
Cq 1455 S Hampson                                      August internet provision       £10.00
Cq 1456 S Hampson                                      July clerk’s salary                   £239.56
Cq 1457 S Hampson                                      August clerk’s salary              £239.56
Cq 1458 S Hampson                                      Reimb. of expenses                £11.98
Cq 1459 Hartington Village Hall                  Meeting hire                           £27.50
Cq 1460 Hartington Community Group        Village planters                      £300.00
Income had been received for a recent burial in the cemetery.
20.7.14 Planning applications, planning sub-committee and appeals
Previous planning proposals at Holmlea had been granted.   Three new planning applications had been received – the former Dairy Crest site (see agenda 20.7.6), The Cheese Shop and New Vincent Farm. The PDNPA planning site had changed since the last parish council meeting and had created some difficulties in opening some planning applications on line for some members.
The Cheese Shop – Members considered that the extension dwarfs the original cheese shop building. There is no need for or merit in having another new build holiday cottage which would add no character to the existing building. There is ample storage already in existence for the shop. Pre-planning advice had not been sought for this proposal.
Resolved: To oppose this application for the above reasons.
New Vincent House Farm – this proposal concerned the conversion of an old barn to holiday accommodation. Some members thought that this barn may have previously been lived in. This conversion would not be seen and be very discreet.
Resolved: to support this application but state that it is hoped that the planning authority would ensure that the conversion is carried out to a high standard respecting the nature of this building.
20.7.15 Highway issues, signs, pot holes, street lighting, maintenance
It was reported that the street light near Springfield House is permanently on. The clerk had been contacted regarding the street light fixed to the wall near the British Legion. This had become unsafe and Derbyshire County Council (DCC) had made an urgent visit to make it safe. The clerk had been advised by a member of the public that the lamp will be replaced by one on a post in the near future.
Resolved: the clerk to report the faulty street light near Springfield House and to request an update on the new lamp post near the British Legion.
Other highway issues had been reported during the public speaking section. During the lockdown period, the number of holiday cottages in the village had become quite apparent. There were no parking issues at this time. As the village emerges from lockdown, the number of visitors to the village has increased dramatically and fragrant flouting of the yellow lines around the village has become serious. Some motorists/motorcyclists have parked 2 or 3 deep around the pond, into the carriageway.
Resolved: to contact the PCSO attached to the village
20.7.16 Correspondence and communication
Correspondence details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting with many items being covered by the agenda.
20.7.17 Items for the next agenda
Cemetery and Garden of Remembrance maintenance, former cheese factory site, neighbourhood plan, village pump stone steps and War Memorial pointing, The Stanner and duck pond. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk. 
20.3.17 Date of next meeting
2nd September 2020. (This meeting will be subject to government guidelines in place in September)
Part 2 Confidential information
There were no confidential items to discuss
The meeting was declared closed at 9.30 pm
Mrs S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
23rd July 2020
©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting