Application for 30 metre mobile communication mast off Highfield Lane

Please see below the Parish Council’s response to this application for which comments need to be received by July 7.

As many representational letters as possible should be sent to the Planners.

To see the plans go to web site

Type in Hartington or Biggin or the application number below to get all the relevant documents. The most important are the site plan with its illustration of the mast and the Landscape Assessment which has photographic views of the site.

At the base of the page is a section to record your objections as a representational letter.

The Parish Council response to the above application can be found here: Parish Council Response


The Parish Council have received notice that Hartington Creamery intend to apply for permission to build a large Visitor Centre, Shop and Car Park in the fields to the north of Stonewell Lane.

We felt residents should be made aware of these plans at the earliest opportunity so are publishing them on our website.

We held a Public Meeting at 6pm on Wednesday 5th April 2023 to hear the views of residents prior to responding to the proposals.

The minutes of that meeting can be found here: Public Meeting Minutes

This is a very large development on green field agricultural land and clearly the developers in opening consultation ahead of an actual application are attempting to prove they have consulted fully with the local community.

No application has yet been submitted and we already have a meeting arranged with Planning Officers agreed to discuss the whole issue of development in our village.

Content of letter received.


Dear Mrs Hampson,


Proposed Hartington Creamery Visitor Centre, on land north of Stonewell Lane, Hartington

 On behalf of my client, Hartington Creamery Ltd, I would like to take this opportunity to inform the Parish Council of my client’s proposal for a new visitor centre on land north of Stonewell Lane, between the new Peakland Grange housing development and Hartington village centre.

You will see that I have enclosed with this letter draft designs for the site for reference and discussion.

By way of background, the proposal is for an exciting new attraction that will celebrate the history of Stilton cheese making in Derbyshire, and particularly in Hartington village. The centre is intended to be managed and run by Hartington Creamery, who manufacture and distribute Stilton cheese from their facility at the nearby Pikehall Farm, which will continue to operate as their manufacturing base.

A number of the employees at the Creamery worked at the Dove Dairy factory, and therefore have first-hand knowledge of the plant and its significance of cheese making in the village. It is hoped that the heritage centre will provide an ideal opportunity to capture some of this knowledge and experience to create an attraction that explains the origins of cheese manufacturing in this location and broadens the appreciation of Stilton cheese generally.

In terms of next steps, we will shortly be entering formal pre-application discussions with the Park Authority to seek their views on the proposal before a full planning application is made. However, we would also like to invite the Parish Council to share their views on the proposal now that details have been provided.

Members should also be aware that we will be consulting local community in the coming weeks so we can seek the views on the local community. It is envisaged the public consultation will consist of the following measures:


  1. Preparation of a website showing the proposal and enabling comments to be left by the public which can then be used to inform the The website would be publicised by a leaflet drop to addresses across the entire Parish area. The leaflet will also contain a pre-paid return/comments sheet to enable written responses.
  2. Posters will be provided in publicly accessible areas in and around the site (notice boards, local pub etc) and this will provide details of how to engage in the
  3. Written notifications to be sent to neighbouring Parish Council’s to seek their views on the

proposal along with details of how they can provide comments.

Hopefully members will agree that the measures described above will allow for a widely accessible and inclusive means of informing the local community, allowing an opportunity for residents to comment and engage in the process. If the Council believe there are additional measures, or particular groups, we should be consulting then we would be pleased to hear and consider these.

Finally, if considered appropriate, our project team would be delighted to meet with members in person, or via an online meeting to discuss this project further and we will of course be happy to keep members informed of the results of our consultation as it progresses.

I trust the above is in order, however should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours faithfully,

Proposed Elevation

Proposed Site Plan

Proposed Plans