Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 8th November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse.
Present: D Annat, S Bruce, E Broomhead MBE, A Grindey, R Sherratt and the clerk, S Hampson. There was one member of the public in attendance for the public speaking section only.
Part 1 Non-confidential information
23.11.1 Apologies and attendance register
Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from Mr Wager. The other members present completed the attendance register. There was no need, by any member present, to declare an interest in the agenda items.
23.11.2 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.
Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr Annat
23.11.3 Public speaking
The member of the public attended to discuss thoughts on a recent proposal for a large communications mast which the parish council had strongly opposed, due its effects on the landscape. She was interested in the way forward in a village with very poor mobile phone signal. Mr Annat suggested that it was the responsibility of mobile phone companies to address with consideration being given to much smaller masts in areas which would not impact on areas of natural beauty or on the residents. The member of the public offered to make further enquiries and to feedback to the parish council.
She further raised issues of frequent use of trials bike on Wall Pitts Lane. This lane is classed as a highway and public right of way. The police are taking this up as a public nuisance. The parish council members were sympathetic but the land cannot be declassified. The member of the public left the meeting at this point in proceedings.
23.11.4 Update from District Councillor and Local Projects Fund
The District Councillor was not in attendance.
Resolved: Mrs Broomhead MBE to complete an application from the Local Projects’ Fund towards the achievement of the information plaque and limestone base at the War Memorial.
23.11.5 Former cheese factory site
The clerk had written to Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) to request the official position on the affordable houses; a date for completion; terms etc. The planning officer had replied to advise he had sought an update from the developer. In addition to the clerk seeking an update on the affordable housing, the chairman had separately been in touch with both the planning officer and the Head of Planning to impress upon them the urgency of the situation and to demand full clarification on how PDNPA will enforce the Section 106 agreement.
Subsequent to this, on Monday, 6th November, a resident had written to the Chairman, asking if the parish council had formally demanded that PDNPA take action to secure their legal agreement. If the PDNAP did not respond accordingly, the resident believed the parish council should consider a judicial review again the lack of action by PDNPA.
The parish council has made numerous attempts to get the authority to take action and to enforce the legal agreement in both face to face meetings and in writing.
In Mr Annat’s opinion, judicial review would be both costly and risky; however, Mr Annat had formally written to the Head of Planning asking him to explain in writing, the authority’s position and to inform the parish council how they intend ensuring the developer meets his legal obligations.
The Head of Planning will, therefore, respond instead of the planning officer, to the clerk’s request. He is also aware of the urgency of a response.
23.11.6 Neighbourhood Plan
The maps are now complete and the final version will be sent to the consultant for checking to enable Mr Annat to submit a further grant application. The new website is in its final stages too. Mr Annat had spent a considerable time on the website and it would hopefully be finalised by the December meeting.
23.11.7 Budget for 2024-2025
The clerk had prepared a budget for the forthcoming financial year, in advance of the meeting to assist with the precept setting in January 2024; this was discussed and most areas had been addressed. Mr Grindey suggested the addition of a budget item for the Stanner.
Resolved: To include an amount for the Stanner but not to make provision, in the next year’s budget, for an extension to the burial ground.
Resolved: To set the precept at the December meeting.
23.11.8 Uses of former telephone box
The clerk had received some invoices from individual members of the Oddfellows team in relation to the restoration work undertaken on the former telephone box. A few small receipts for payment have still to be handed in. Mrs Broomhead MBE reported that she had investigated some costings for replica vintage A and B boxes for the interior of the phone box. These were in the region of £1000.
Resolved: to place a figure into the budget for the telephone box interior and discuss at future meetings.
23.11.9 Drainage and flood team
The clerk had made contact with both Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) and Derbyshire County Council (DCC) subsequent to the village hall flooding twice in a matter of weeks. Unfortunately, DDDC were not very helpful and claimed they would not supply sandbags to the village. The clerk had made enquiries at a local builders’ merchants who had run out but they only supply empty hession sacks to be filled from 25 kg bags of sand or loose sand. The village hall had paid for sandbags in case of another emergency. Drains are blocked in the Hyde Lane area. Mr Sherratt reported that the River Arden has risen which means the water table has also risen.
Resolved: Mr Grindey to investigate alternative sources of sand for sandbags.
Resolved: The parish council to reimburse the village hall for the cost of the purchased sandbags.
Resolved: The clerk to report and request that the blocked drains are unblocked as soon as possible.
23.11.10 Remembrance Day
The clerk had ordered a wreath for placement by the parish council and this was presented to Mr Annat for placement at the War Memorial during the service. A request had been received for poppies to be placed on lamp posts.
Resolved: Permission to be granted for lamp post poppies with a request that they be taken down again in a timely manner.
23.11.11 Snow warden scheme and sprinkler
Mrs Broomhead MBE had spoken to the member of the Oddfellows identified as a possible co-ordinator. The clerk had also sent a letter. The person had considered the request but unfortunately, declined to take up the position, mainly due to a lack of storage facilities for the grit. It may be possible to overcome the storage issue and for the person to reconsider.
Resolved: The clerk to ascertain if the snow warden’s course remains available through DCC.
23.11.12 War Memorial Plaque and Stone
The members of the parish council are particularly pleased with the superb works recently carried out to reset the kerb stones around the new trees at the War Memorial. The clerk had obtained a quote for a plaque detailing the chosen wording for the War Memorial to attach to a stone plinth. There were 2 choices of backgrounds, black or patinated. Members were impressed by the proofs.
Resolved: to select the black coloured background plaque and to request delivery to Mr Annat.
Resolved: Mr Annat to investigate stone for the plinth.
Resolved: the clerk to forward a letter of the thanks to the contractor for the work relaying the War Memorial kerb stones.
23.11.13 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, administration, mowing contractor, Remembrance Day wreath, coronation memorial, War Memorial kerbing
Resolved: to accept the clerk’s pay award, as advised by DALC, to be backdated from 1st April 2023.
Resolved: the clerk to order a new Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial certificate book for the cemetery.
Cq 1712 Mr C Deaville Reimbursement for new telephone box handle £41.69
Cq 1713 Mr S Wager Reimbursement for red telephone box paint £68.99
Cq 1714 Hartington Village Hall Meeting hire £27.50
Cq 1715 S Hampson November internet provision £17.00
Cq 1716 S Hampson November clerk’s salary £408.77
Cq 1717 S Hampson McAfee antivirus protection £15.00
Cq 1718 S Hampson Reimbursement of expenses £15.20
Cq 1719 B Coles Mowing x 1 October £282.00 (VAT £47.00)
Cq 1720 B Coles Resetting War Memorial kerb stones £984.00 (VAT £164.00)
Cq 1721 Poppy Appeal Remembrance Day wreath £20.00
Cq 1722 Shaw & Sons Grants of Exclusive Right of Burial certificates £153.60
Cq 1723 Hartington Community Group Donation for coronation plinth £200.00
Cq 1724 Hartington Village Hall Reimbursement for sand bags £105.56
23.11.14 Christmas tree and power source
The clerk had contacted Derbyshire County Council (DCC) regarding a possible power source but had not received a response. Mrs Broomhead MBE had identified a resident willing to permit a power source to the village Christmas tree. Some investigations had been undertaken to locate suppliers of cable protectors.
Mr Sherratt and Mr Annat had viewed a large tree to assess for suitability. A significant length of cable would be required plus additional new lights.
Resolved: Mr Annat to be reimbursed for the purchase of cable, cable protector and additional lights.
23.11.15 Mowing contract 2023-2024
The clerk had submitted details of the mowing contract to members, in advance of the meeting. The contents were agreed without change. Mrs Bruce requested that additional areas of verges on Stonewell Lane be considered for inclusion in the mowing contract. It was thought these belonged to the developer and therefore, could not be considered.
Resolved: the clerk to contact DCC to confirm the extent of the public highway and in whose ownership are the verges on Stonewell Lane.
Resolved: the clerk to submit details of the 2 year mowing contract to 3 identified mowing contractors.
23.11.16 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals
There were 4 new planning applications to consider:
12 Dairy Close – garden shed
12 Dairy Close – garage door to open aspect garage
14 Dairy Close – up and over door to open bay garage
Clematis Cottage – new air source pump
Resolved: to support the above planning proposals.
23.11.17 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting
The clerk had reported a broken post underneath the seat nearest to Springfield House. This had resulted in a hole which was a second hazard but there had been no response from DCC in time for the meeting. Some of the other potholes have been attended to but other new ones are appearing, including one near leisure lane off Hall Bank. Support for toad patrol crossing signs had been received.
Resolved: to report the pot hole near Leisure Lane.
Resolved: to request grit refills at Station Hill and Bankside if reported empty.
Resolved: the clerk to clarify the ownership of a grit bin at Station Cottages (Hartington Nether Quarter parish or PDNPA responsibility)
Resolved: to contact the owner of agricultural vehicles parked on the corner of Church Street and Hyde Lane as these vehicles are regularly causing difficulties to motorists.
23.11.18 Correspondence and communication
Peak Park news and green business, Rural funding digest, parish and town council liaison, Rural bulletin, News from DCC, DALC newsletters and training, mobile library routes, business and community grant schemes, parish noticeboard request to post MP information, Hartington Community Group update on wild flowers, DCC speed limit orders.
23.11.19 Items for the next agenda
Precept for 2024-2025, War Memorial plaque, Neighbourhood Plan, local projects fund, uses of telephone box, former cheese factory site, drainage and flood team, mowing and spraying contract requirements for 2024-26, banking, coronation plinth progress, snow warden scheme. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.
23.11.20 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 6th December 2023. The parish council does not meet in January.
Confidential Items
The meeting was declared closed at 9.10 pm.
Mrs S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
10th November 2023
©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting