The annual meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday,19th May 2021 at 7.30pm in Hartington Village Hall following social distancing guidelines in view of the Coronavirus pandemic in Britain.
Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, Mrs S Bruce, Mr S Wager. Mr R Sherratt and the clerk,
S Hampson There were no members of the public in attendance.
Part 1 Non-confidential information
21.5.1 Apologies and attendance register
Apologies had been received in advance from Mr A Grindey
21.5.2 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
It was unanimously agreed that Mr Annat remain as Chairman for the next year. Last year’s vice chairman, Mr Grindey was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting but had advised, in advance of the meeting, that, he would be happy either for someone else to become vice chairman or to continue in the role. Other members were not interested in becoming vice chairman and wished Mr Grindey to continue as vice chairman for the next year. This was unanimously agreed. The following year will be an election year.
21.5.3 Declarations of acceptance of office forms
These were duly completed by all members present and signed before the proper officer of the parish council, Mrs Hampson.
21.5.4 Members’ Register of Interest Forms
These had been word processed and sent out to members in advance of the meeting for checking/amendment, printing and signature in the meeting. The chairman thanked the clerk for this process. Members present signed the accurate documents and presented them to the clerk and proper officer, Mrs Hampson.
21.5.5 Declaration of personal interest of councillors
There was no need, by any member present, to complete an entry in the register.
21.5.6 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  
Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr Annat after accuracy confirmation by other members, as Mr Annat was not present at the March meeting.
21.5.7 The Stanner
An image of the condition of the hazardous perimeter of the stanner had been forwarded to Derbyshire County Council (DCC) but a response had not been received in time for the meeting.   It was reported that an algae crust forms in the stanner which needs to be addressed. Mrs Broomhead MBE reported that that neighbouring residents have pledged to regularly weed the stanner area. 
Resolved: The clerk to contact Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) Environmental Services and the Environment Agency for one of the agencies to scrape off and remove the algae.
21.5.8 Village pond
Following the quantity of recent rainfall, there has been an improvement in the appearance of the pond; however, this appearance will not be long term.
Resolved: To seek quotes for a proper refurbishment of the pod including, draining, removal of fish and removal of excess silt.
Resolved: To contactthe Environment Agency, the ponds’ officer at Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) for a list of approved/recommended contractors to contact.
Resolved: To advise the contractors that the pond is a naturally filling mere. The fish are not native and should be removed; the silt at the base should be significantly reduced and the pond refilled.
21.5.9 Cemetery, new Garden of Remembrance marking, new cemetery fees
New cemetery fees had been prepared by the clerk, in line with DDDC’s scale of fees and charges.
Resolved: to accept the fees and implement with immediate effect.
Resolved: to have a frame/ frames constructed to assist with marking individual plots to enable the correct placement of memorial plaques. Once made, Mr Annat to assist the clerk in marking the first place.
21.5.10 Village planters
Mrs Broomhead MBE reported that all planters had now been cleared and repainted. She advised that the plants would be supplied and a rota put in place for the subsequent watering. It was acknowledged the planters are of a certain age and in need of a bit of attention but nevertheless remain sturdy.
Resolved: to raise a cheque in the sum of £300 to fund the necessary supplies for the planters, including the plants.
21.5.11 War Memorial tree
Resolved: to replace the single tree at the War Memorial which has unfortunately died.
Resolved: The clerk to contact the contractor who had previously attended to the tree on the village green to identify the species; to quote for the removal of the dead tree and to replant with a like species of a reasonable size.
21.5.12 Former cheese factory site
Mrs Bruce had been advised by someone that the houses in the centre of the development are being constructed out of sandstone. Many of the houses have changed in comparison to the original plan.
The drainage scheme has commenced with the ‘indentation’ to take water on the left hand side. There will be another in the field at the back of the development. It was, however, reported that the areas concerned are quite a mess. These areas should not be built on in the future. 
Members discussed a lack of response from DDDC regarding flooding in the village. It was reported that a culvert is blocked near the Charles Cotton and the stanner is also blocking up which may be a consequence of a restricted pipe placed at the development.
Resolved: To contact DDDC for an update on the flooding issues in the village and to seek confirmation that they are satisfied with the flood alleviation measures at the Peakland Grange development.
British Telecom (BT)had recently installed telegraph poles at the development rather than using an underground method. BT do not require planning permission to install telegraph poles. The poles are not too obtrusive and are well spaced. An underground installation would, nevertheless, been preferable.
21.5.13 Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan Final Draft, together with a draft Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment have been presented to the PDNPA and recommended revisions incorporated. However, these all need re-submitting for comment to the relevant agencies for their comments and a full Consultation Assessment is to be drafted plus a Basic Conditions Statement.  These are not yet drafted.
Once consultation is complete, all documents will be handed to the PDNPA for review who if satisfied will issue a certificate of conformity and this will lead to a formal submission to the Examiner.
An imminent meeting of a very depleted Neighbourhood Plan Committee will meet with the Peak Park in June to try and conclude these final stages. The parish council has reserved monies in the budget if consultancy help is required to get the Plan over the line.
21.5.14 Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2021 and internal audit
The accounts and audit documentation had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting. The internal audit process had been completed prior to the meeting. There were no matters to bring before council. Mr Annat thanked the clerk and responsible finance officer once again for the production of completely flawless accounts.
Resolved: to unanimously accept the accounts as an accurate record.
21.5.15 External audit exemption certificate
The clerk and responsible finance officer had prepared an exemption certificate for the external audit as both the income and expenditure for the financial year were less than £25,000
21.5.16 Section 2 Accounting Statement 2020-21
This was duly signed by the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.
21.5.17 Consideration of accounting statements by parish council members
Members considered all the accounting statements.
21.5.18 Resolution to approve the accounting statements and certificate of exemption
Resolved: To approve the accounting statements and the certificate of exemption.
21.5.19 Chairman’s signature and dating of accounting statement
The documents were duly signed and dated by the chairman.
21.5.20 Review of policies.
The clerk had forwarded all existing policies to members in advance of the meeting for review and update.
Resolved: To accept the contents of the polices and to review again in 2022.
21.5.21 Items of account, salaries (including review of clerk’s internet provision working from home allowance, HMRC, general administration, section 137 HMRC, general administration, contractor, insurance
Cq 1499          S Hampson                             April clerk’s salary                 £251.56
Cq 1500          S Hampson                             April internet provision          £10.00
Cq 1501          S Hampson                             Premises allowance                £312.00
Cq 1502          S Hampson                             Reimb. of expenses                £12.15
Cq 1503          Shelter Maintenance Ltd        Bus shelter cleaning               £10.72 (VAT £1.79)
Cq 1504          DALC                                     Annual subscription               £107.53
Cq 1505          D Wood                                  April Mowing 1                      £220.00
Cq 1506          S Hampson                             May clerk’s salary                  £251.56
Cq 1507          S Hampson                             May internet provision*         £17.00
Cq 1508          S Hampson                             Reimb of expenses                 £8.30
Cq 1509          Hartington Village Hall          Hire                                         £27.50
Cq 1510          B Wood                                   Internal audit fee 2020-21      £44.70
Cq1511           Shelter Maintenance               Bus shelter cleaning               £10.72 (VAT £1.79)
Cq 1512          Zurich Municipal                    Insurance                                £361.21                                   
Cq 1513          Hartington Comm. Group       Village Planters                      £300.00
Cq 1514          D Wood                                  May mowing 2 & 3                £440.00
Resolved: To increase the clerk’s monthly internet provision to enable the clerk to have unlimited internet access. The clerk is also the clerk to a neighbouring parish who have reached the same decision and contribute the equal monthly contribution.
21.5.22 Planning applications, planning sub-committee and appeals
Planning applications had been dealt with and approved by the planning sub-committee for the cheese shop and Newhaven Lodge. Members commented on how different the construction at Grey Gables now looks to the planning application. It was reported that this property has some difficulties with water pressure.
Resolved: To contact STWA to inform the authority that some outlying properties are experiencing water pressure issues; to question if Hartington reservoir is being used; can the water pressure be increased?
21.5.23 Highway issues and yellow lines
DCC advised that at present, only critical renewing of lines is being undertaken; therefore, there will be further yellow lines placed within the parish. The situation will continue to be reviewed. Reference number 35947672 has been allocated.  
Resolved: The clerk to re-contact DCC to ask what plans are in place for enforcing breaches of yellow lines that are not clearly visible.
Excessive dust on Stonewell Lane had been reported to the clerk by Mrs Bruce. The clerk had requested a roadsweeper. Mrs Bruce confirmed that the sweeper had attended the village but had not swept Stonewell Lane, at the time of the meeting.
21.5.26 Date of next meeting: 7th July 2021 (to be confirmed) 
Resolved: Not to meet in June. Future meeting dates were agreed.
Part 2 Confidential information
There were no confidential matters to discuss
The meeting was declared closed at 8.30 pm
Mrs S Hampson, Clerk
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
10th June 2021