A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 29th January 2020 at 7.30pm in the Bake House.


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, R Sherratt, Mr A Grindey, Mrs S Bruce, Mr S Wager and the clerk, S Hampson There were two members of the public in attendance (one of whom represented the developer, Amos).


Part 1 Non-confidential information

20.1.1 Apologies

District Councillor, D Chapman was not in attendance.


20.1.2 Declaration of personal interest of councillors

There was no need by any member present to complete an entry in the register.


20.1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.


Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr D Annat.


20.1.4 Public speaking

One member of the public attended regarding the most recent planning proposal in connection to the former Dairy Crest development site, in particular regarding any farm traffic through the development. This is not his intention. He considered there to be a lot of amendments to the houses as part of this most recent planning application. The application was to be discussed in full later in the agenda.  The member of the public left the meeting after this section of the agenda.


20.1.5 Update from District Councillor

The district councillor was not in attendance.


20.1.6 Casual Vacancy

The clerk had been approached by a resident of the parish regarding the parish council vacancy and had submitted his details. The candidate had briefly met with the members prior to the meeting.


Resolved: Mr S Wager to fill the vacant position with immediate effect. Mr Wager duly completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form before the Proper Officer, Mrs Hampson. Mr Wager to also complete the Register of Interest Form within 28 days.


20.1.7 Former cheese factory site and new planning proposal

A new planning application had been received and all members had had the opportunity to view these documents in advance of the meeting. Members recollected the previous public enquiries and the inspector’s comments. The members considered that the new road scheme is impractical for large vehicles, including refuse and delivery vehicles. The road will be unadopted. Landscaping is less satisfactory. The garage for the large house intrudes into green space. The large house is not within the red line of the development. Members found it difficult to understand why there are such changes involved in this new proposal including why there is a pedestrian access to Bridge End Farm. 


Four affordable houses will no longer be integrated into the scheme and have been moved and made smaller. In view of the above and a number of other material changes, a new application was necessary but it was noted that some work has already begun without the authority’s decision.


Resolved: to unanimously oppose the application


The condition of the footpath was also discussed following the recent work undertaken by Western Power at the site.


Resolved: The clerk to contact Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) regarding an inspection of this path.


20.1.8 Neighbourhood plan

The plan has been redrafted with 12 maps being completed. It will be due at PDNPA during the week of the parish council meeting. A scoping report has been completed and it remains for a screening report to be completed. Effects on habitats, flooding etc have been considered. There has been no work by the Environment Agency.


20.1.9 Budget and Precept 2020-2021

The clerk had forwarded the most recent accounts and a suggested budget for 2020-21 following suggestions of future expenditure from members. These were discussed by all members.


Resolved: to precept for £8,000 for 2020-21 (Prop EB, Sec AG) with £410 by way of reimbursable expenditure.


20.1.10 Tree Surgery

The tree surgery work identified in the cemetery and on the village green had been carried out and an invoice raised in the sum of £280.


20.1.11 Pump and War Memorial

The contract has been appointed and awaits suitable weather conditions to carry out the works.


20.1.12 Items of account

Cq 1419          D Annat                                  £72.00             Replacement cq for Neighbourhood Plan

            (not presented)

Cq 1420          S Hampson                              £10.00             February internet provision

Cq 1421          S Hampson                              £239.56           February clerk’s salary

Cq 1422          S Hampson                              £16.61             Reimbursement of expenses

Cq 1423          Hartington Village Hall          £27.50             Hire

Cq 1424          N & G Tomlinson                   £280.00           Tree surgery

Cq 1425          D Annat                                  £30.00             Reimbursement xmas tree electricity supply

Cq 1426          D Annat                                  £71.86 (VAT £11.98) Website domain supply


An acknowledgement of the donation to First Responders had been received.


The clerk had successfully completed a claim for reimbursable expenditure in the sum of £410 to off-set mowing costs. The clerk had enquired if this could be increased but was advised that this sum will remain capped at £410.


Resolved: to investigate electronic banking.

20.1.13 Planning applications, planning sub-committee and appeals

Members had had time to view new proposals in advance, to aid decisions in the meeting. An application discussed at a previous meeting for Stable Cottage is now considered to be withdrawn.


Resolved: to approve the application for the new roof at the village hall with tiles suggested by the village hall committee.

Resolved: to oppose the application at the former Dairy Crest site based on reasons discussed in agenda item 20.1.7


20.1.14 Highway issues and yellow lines

It was reported that after a considerable length of time and numerous reports to Derbyshire County Council (DCC) the pavement in front of the village store is being attended to. It was noted that there is only one tiny directional sign indicating the way to the public conveniences and car park in the village. Mr Grindey provided details of two street lights not working on Mill Lane and also that the lights on the car park are also no working. He also reported that the second grit bin on Reynard’s Lane requires refilling. A pot hole on Dig Street was reported in the vicinity of a telegraph pole.


Resolved: the clerk to advise DCC of the street lights needing attention.

Resolved: the clerk to request a larger direction and information sign to the car park and public conveniences.

Resolved: the clerk to request a refill of grit on Reynard’s Lane.


20.1.15 Correspondence and communication

Correspondence details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and included: 


School meals over school holiday period enquiry, DALC Circulars 1 and 2, London Hearts Charity defibrillator, DALC Climate emergency workshops, DDDC Community Forum 29.1.2020, Active Across Ages, John Muir Awards Year of Green Action,


Adopt A Kiosk – DDDC objected to the adoption of the kiosk in the village following the parish council’s comment about its usage. The parish can not now adopt the kiosk but it will remain a working public service for the time being.


20.1.16 Items for the next agenda

Cemetery remedial work and Garden of Remembrance, former cheese factory site, neighbourhood plan, village pump stone steps and War Memorial pointing. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk. 


20.1.17 Date of next meeting

4th March 2020


Part 2 Confidential information


20.1.18 New mowing contract

There were no members of the public in attendance during this part of the agenda.


A number of suitable people had been approached and following the advertisement, tenders had been received from four contractors.   There was a range of figures and all were considered.


Resolved: the clerk to thank those all who had submitted tenders.

Resolved: to appoint the contractor who had submitted the cheapest tender at £2,160 for the one year contract involving 12 cuts between April and October. This would be subject to the production of valid public liability insurance.


20.1.19 New Garden of Remembrance and burial area

The members had received quotes from two suitable people to create the new Garden of Remembrance and to level the existing parish council burial area. 


Resolved: to accept the lowest quote in the sum of £860 and appoint the contractor subject to receipt of public liability insurance


The meeting was declared closed at 9.00 pm

Mrs S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
3rd February 2020

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting