The Annual Meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 4th May 2022 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse of Hartington Village Hall.


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, A Grindey, S Bruce, S Wager, R Sherratt and the clerk,

S Hampson. There were no members of the public in attendance.


Part 1 Non-confidential information

22.5.1 Apologies and attendance register

Apologies had been received from District Councillor, D Chapman. Members present completed the attendance register. There was no need by any member present, to declare an interest in the agenda items below.


22.5.2 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Mr D Annat was unanimously proposed to continue as Chairman.

Mr A Grindey was unanimously proposed to continue as Vice Chairman.


Resolved: Mr Annat to remain as Chairman during 2022-2023 and completed the acceptance of office.

Resolved: Mr Grindey to remain as Vice Chairman during 2022-2023


22.5.3 Declaration of acceptance of office of Chairman and other members

Resolved: All other members duly completed their acceptance of office forms, as councillors, for the forthcoming year before the proper officer, Mrs Hampson.


22.5.4 Completion of members’ interest forms

The clerk had sent these to the members in advance of the meeting and were duly completed and returned to the clerk.


22.5.5 Declaration of personal/prejudicial interest of councillors

There was no need, by any member present, to completed an interest declaration.


22.5.6 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  


Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat


22.5.7 Public speaking

There were no members of the public in attendance, however, members of the public have commented on the awful state of the car park on Mill Lane administered by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC). Visitors using the car park are struggling to pay the car parking charges which can only by paid for via an App. Card payment are not permitted. Issues with mobile phone signals in the village are presenting problems for the use of the App. 


Resolved: the clerk to write to DDDC and to copy in the District Councillor to raise the issues with the payment methods on the car park including the issues with having to use an App for car park payments. The clerk to reiterate the contents of the previous communication regarding the conifers planted on a semi-circular piece of land adjacent to Parson Close which may have a visual impact on motorists existing the car park.


22.5.8 Update from District Councillor

The District Councillor was not in attendance.


22.5.9 Internal audit of accounts for the year ended 31st March 2022

The internal auditor had met with the clerk prior to the meeting to complete the internal audit. There were no issues to bring before the council. The clerk had prepared and forward the receipts and payments accounts to all members in advance of the meeting. Chairman, Mr Annat complimented the clerk and responsible finance officer (RFO) on the exemplary production of the accurate accounts and the internal audit process which was very pleasing to the parish council.


Resolved: to accept the accounts for the year ending 31.3.22


22.5.10 Section 1 Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2022

Members considered the statement prepared by the clerk and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO).


Resolved: To accept the Annual Governance and is contents (duly signed by the Chairman and RFO).


22.5.11 Agar form 2 Certificate of exemption for accounts for 31.3.22

Both expenditure and income for the financial year were under £25,000 enabling the parish council to consider completion of an exemption from full audit, saving audit costs.


Resolved: to sign and submit the exemption certificate for the year ended 31st March 2022. (Duly signed by the Chairman and RFO).


22.5.12 Agar Form 2 Accounting statement for accounts for tear ended 31st March 2022

The clerk and RFO had prepared the Chairman congratulated the clerk on the production of all the audit documentation.


Resolved: To accept the accounting statement. This was duly signed by the RFO and Chairman.


22.5.13 Former cheese factory site

Chairman, Mr Annat reported a lengthy phone conversation he had undertaken with the Managing Director of Long Clawson who is prepared for further conversation. There is definitely a covenant on the land but this will not prevent planning submissions. Mrs Bruce reported that the footpath sign has been reinstated. 


22.5.14 Neighbourhood plan

A further steering group meeting had taken place for a further review, leading towards the final plan. Additional meetings will be required. Mr Annat reported that the plan continues to be redrafted in light of comments received from statutory bodies, Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) and the community. Following the input and redrafting, the plan will be a robust plan. Mr Annat expressed some frustration about the supply of professional maps as PDNPA has not subscribed Ordnance Survey. This has

resulted in PDNPA being unable to supply maps without showing the former cheese factory. Mr Annat advised members that a list has been compiled of the most important reasons for the production of the neighbourhood plan, including that a neighbourhood plan is the only way to put in a development boundary.


Resolved: to meet the cost of thee more meetings in the village hall connected to the Neighbourhood Plan.


22.5.15 War Memorial trees

Resolved: Mrs Broomhead MBE to arrange a meeting between Mr Annat and the owner of land to the rear of the War Memorial to provide additional information in connection with a possible purchase of a very small piece of land to enable the War Memorial to be rebuilt a little further back to facilitate removal of existing trees and replanting with new ones.

22.5.16 Telephone box and painting

The clerk had made an initial contact with one professional local contractor for advice and estimate to repaint the telephone box using authentic paint. Unfortunately, the gentlemen felt unable to provide an estimate to undertake the work but had provided valuable advice.


Resolved: members to provide some contact details of suitable contractors who could sand blast the telephone box, prepare and repaint the kiosk in authentic paint.

Resolved: the clerk to contact BT for a list of previously used contractors to enable an approach to be made.


22.5.17 Bank account

Resolved: to investigate the Co-operative Bank for suitability for the parish council.

Resolved: the clerk to contact DALC for any information about commonly used banks by other parish councils.


22.5.18 Queen’s Jubilee

Mrs Broomhead MBE kindly provided another update on plans/events for the forthcoming commemoration. She had completed a grant application on behalf of the parish council but had not received confirmation of an award.


Resolved: The clerk to contact DDDC regarding the success of the application.


Members commended the Hartington Community Group and volunteers for their involvement in the jubilee programme of events, in particular Mrs Broomhead MB for the tremendous effort in co-ordinating the events. Members look forward to attending the events.


22.5.19 Mowing and additional weeding

The new mowing contractor had forwarded his signed and returned his contract electronically. Members were very pleased with the first cut which had taken place.


22.5.20 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration

Cq 1562          B Wood                                   Internal audit fee                                             £54.00

Cq 1563          S Hampson                             May clerk’s salary and back pay                    £307.25

Cq 1564          S Hampson                             May internet provision                                   £17.00

Cq 1565          S Hampson                             Reimbursement of expenses                           £12.55

Cq 1566          Hartington Village Hall          Hire                                                                 £27.50

Cq 1567          B Coles                                   Mowing contractor                                         £312.00 VAT £52

Cq 1568          Zurich Municipal                    Annual insurance premium                            £364.40

Cq 1569          Hartington Community Group First aid course contribution                         £190.00


The clerk had completed the VAT online submission to reclaim last year’s VAT.


22.5.21 Planning, sub-committee, appeals

New planning proposals included:


The Barn, Pilsbury, Hartington, NP/DDD/0422/0507

Development Description – Change of use of agricultural buildings to holiday accommodation (camping barns)


Members discussed the above application which represents a large project.


Resolved: Under policy DMC1 the proposal totally fails to demonstrate how the valued landscape character and biodiversity of this important area of Limestone Hills and Slopes will be conserved and, where possible, enhanced. In fact, the proposal will be significantly detrimental in this regard.


In addition to retaining the portal framed steel sheet design, which is in total conflict with Pilsbury hamlet below, significant turning space and parking areas will be required for the 36 people intended to be accommodated (see seating plan). The idea of everyone walking to the venue as suggested is unlikely and impossible to manage. Even walking groups need transport, usually mini buses and a social event could generate 18 cars or more, with roadside parking non-existent.


The building is clearly not a heritage asset nor a valued traditional field barn and under the policy DMC1 above, if this building is no longer needed or being used for the purposes for which it was approved its removal should be required.


Newhaven Lodge Farm, Unnamed Section of A515 From Unnamed Road Leading To Hyde Lane To Brundcliffe Farm, Hartington,

Development Description – Listed Building Consent for additional works including ‘The Drift’ and in minor alterations to proposals for ‘Barn 4’.


Resolved: to support the above application.


A new application had appeared on the PDNPA website which members had viewed but had not yet been forwarded to the clerk, for the conversion of a previous laundry room to a two-bedroomed cottage as detailed below.


Hartington Cottages, Knowl Cottage, Market Place, HartingtonNP/DDD/0522/0598


Resolved: The Council unanimously oppose the above planning application.

The building is not a heritage asset and of rudimentary design. Its conversion would require additional car parking and access and the increased roof hight would have an unneighbourly impact on the adjacent flats within the Minton House property. The parish council sees little merit in yet more holiday accommodation in a village well served in this respect.

Proposed two storey and single storey rear extension, Edensor Cottage Dig Street Hartington – Granted. Proposed shed at one of the new development properties – granted.

22.5.22 Highway issues and yellow lines, potholes, footpaths, street lighting

Derbyshire County Council had allocated a reference in response to the clerk’s report of flytipping on Station Hill. Mr Grindey reported that the area had been cleared. The previously reported street light near Springfield House was still not working.


Resolved: the clerk to contact DCC again for an update on progress with fixing the street light.


Another response had been received from DCC confirming that they had no responsibility for repairs to the perimeter of the Stanner following a visit by an inspector.


Resolved: Mr Annat to forward an up-to-date photograph of the area concerned around the Stanner to enable the clerk to forward to suitable contractors for quotes for necessary repairs.


22.5.23 Correspondence and communication

Included: Mobile library routes, health and social media well-being, street lighting and bunting, DCC Community News, DCC News, RSN Rural Funding Digest, bus shelter cleaning report, trustee recruitment at Citizens Advice Bureau

22.4.21 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial trees, Neighbourhood Plan, telephone box, new cemetery fees, review of policies Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.


22.4.22 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 8th June 2022

This date will not be the first Wednesday in the month

Part 2 Confidential information

The meeting was declared closed at 8.45 pm.


Mrs S Hampson,


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council,

4th May 2022


©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting