Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Meeting
Monday, 13th May 2024 at 7.00 pm in Hartington Village Hall
Present: A Grindey, Chairman, E Broomhead MBE, S Bruce, R Sherratt, S Hampson (Hartington Parish Council members and the clerk), plus 3 members of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee, K Quine, J Bray,P Neale and Planning Consultant, J Newman.
Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from D Annat. S Wager was not in attendance. Members of the parish council completed the attendance register.
Presentation by appointed Planning Consultant, Mrs J Newman
Mrs Newman gave a presentation outlining the basics of the Neighbourhood Plan (the plan) and how it sits alongside the Peak District National Park Authority’s (PDNPA’s) Local Plan and National Planning Policy. The plan will carry the same weight in decision making processes and has to comply and have the same principles, without repetition, of the other policies. It will be specific to the parish of Hartington Town Quarter.
Resolved: Mrs Newman to forward a copy of the presentation to the clerk, for onward submission to all members of the parish council and Neighbourhood Plan Committee.
Mrs Newman discussed:
- Basic conditions
- What the plan will look like
- Vision for the plan
- Development boundary 1
- Development boundary 2 (outside of development boundary 1)
- Local green spaces and definition
- Important open spaces, including an extension to the cemetery.
What next?
The plan needs to finalised together with all supporting documents to submit to PDNPA. PDNPA will then have to publish the plan for 6 weeks. It will be possible to select an independent examiner with the costs being met by PDNPA. Without issue from the inspector, it will proceed to a local referendum involving each member of the electoral roll for the parish. Reminders will be issued to the parishioners at this stage. To succeed, 50% of those voting will need be in favour. Adoption of the plan will result in it being used for all future planning applications. The lifetime of the plan will be until 2036.
Resolved: the plan and supporting documentation to be ready to submit, after approval at the next parish council meeting on 5th June 2024.
Requirements after 13th May 2024
Strategic Environment Assessment, Habitat Statement and other supporting documentation to be finalised by Neighbourhood Plan Committee and Mrs J Newman (no major changes proposed).
During the 6 weeks’ consultation time, people can make representations. Targeted agencies/parties will be contacted. PDNPA will collate responses including any from the existing developer.
Green Spaces
Green space number 6 has previously been granted for flood alleviation for the existing development for significant public benefit (as stated by the previous inspector associated with the Peakland Grange development). This area can be a semi-wet green space and will be included in the consultation statement. Some green spaces have been removed as these have to be important green spaces to the community. These were reviewed in 1994 and 2005. Although some were considered in excess of 20 years ago, their relevance remains. Conservation area updated approvals are required. Important open spaces should now be included as an appendix (heritage appendix) as a stronger separation between this and green space should occur.
To submit to PDNPA early to mid June 2024 to enable 6 weeks’ consultation to commence.
Outcome of consultation may not be known until Autumn. Without complication, there is the possibility of adoption around Easter 2025.
Other influencing factors may be other agencies reviewing their policies; PDNPA Local Policy amendments; general election and changes to government.
Parish Council responsibilities
To submit the document library in support of the plan.
To approve, at the June parish council meeting, the main documents and to support the submission of the final plan consisting of approximately 70 pages plus appendices to PDNPA.
The clerk to receive all communication and to forward to relevant personnel.
The inspector’s report
Changes to National Policy
Changes to government
50% of electoral roll voters to support the plan
The meeting was declared closed at 8.20 pm
S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
14th May 2024