Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 5th February 2025 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse.

Present:  A Grindey, S Wager, D Annat, S Bruce, S Spencer, the clerk, and S Hampson.  There were no members of the public in attendance.

Part 1 Non-confidential information

25.2.1 Apologies and attendance register

Apologies had been received from Mr R Sherratt. The members present completed the attendance register.  

25.2.2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members, in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  

Resolved:  to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were duly signed by Mr Grindey.

25.2.3 Public speaking

The public speaking procedures document was available but there were no members of the public in attendance. 

From the previous meeting, problematic trees on Hyde Lane had been reported by the clerk to the highways department; however, these had not been attended to by the meeting. Two members may attend to this.

25.2.4 Update from District Councillor and possible update on field 0657

The District Councillor was not in attendance and the clerk had not received any update on field 0657.

 25.2.5 Hartington First Responders

Information had been received in advance of the meeting.  Named people will check defibrillators in the local parishes.  £1,300 had been donated by Hartington Oddfellows.  Funds will be ring fenced within Hartington Community Group’s bank account. 

Resolved:  The clerk to advise that the parish council would like to see the First Responders funds to be placed in their own bank account.

 25.2.6 Connect Fibre update.

The clerk had requested a further update and had received information through a neighbouring parish council.  It was reported that adverse weather had impacted some of their build; however, it is anticipated that the network will be finished by the end of March.  They have completed most of the poling in Warslow and Hartington.  The parish council members had objected to the number of poles first mentioned and the results for Hartington appears to be minimal which is pleasing.

25.2.7 Former cheese factory site

From previous minutes, the developer is required to carry out flood attenuation measures in full, within a further 6 months from 15th October 2024.  Works do not appear to have commenced.  It was reported that the yard area at the development is a real mess.  The clerk had requested an update on new lower District Valuer’s valuations for the ‘affordable homes’ in light of house prices reducing.  This had been acknowledged and figures had been promised to be received shortly after the parish council meeting.  Mr Annat reported that there is currently no marketing of the properties and previous marketing has been withdrawn.

Resolved:  the clerk to further request from the Peak District Park Authority (PDNPA) confirmation of the completion date for the attenuation ponds at the development.

 25.2.8 Neighbourhood Plan

The Plan has been accepted by the PDNPA to proceed to a Section 16 consultation and subsequently to appoint an independent inspector.  It will be wise for the parish council to decide on a strategy that ensures residents are familiar with the Plan and to become involved with the consultation.  The Neighbourhood Plan committee prefer an inspector who is more local and familiar with the area and have suggested their choice.  Payment for the inspector will be met by PDNPA, not the parish council.  Unspent grant monies will have to be returned after 31st March.  If successful, Hartington will be only the second village in the Peak District National Park area to have a neighbourhood plan.  The parish council members expressed their continued thanks to the Neighbourhood Plan Committee for their incredible efforts and hard work.

Resolved:  the clerk to forward details of expenditure to date from the grant.

25.2.9 Precept 2025-2026

The precept documentation had been submitted.  Reimbursable expenditure for the current year had been completed and £410 received.  The clerk had registered for reimbursable expenditure for 2025-2026.

25.2.10 Audit and Agar 23/24

This has now been concluded, advertised and the report posted on the parish council’s website.  Following the closure of the case of the resident who had made contact with the external auditors, an additional fee of £177 plus VAT has been incurred above the normal fee.

25.2.11 Traffic regulation order (TRO) and yellow lines

This was requested in excess of 2 years ago.  The clerk had chased the matter again in addition to a request for a No Through Road sign at the junction of Reynards Lane with Hall Bank detailed below.

A response had been received advising that over the past few years, a large number of requests had been received for TROs to be processed with limited resources to do so.  Confirmation had been received by the clerk that Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is now in a position to process a TRO for Hartington and consultation will begin in the new financial year. 

Resolved:  the clerk to request confirmation of the additional yellow lines proposed for Hartington as part of the TRO.

25.2.12 No Through Road at Reynards Lane

A works package will be raised by DCC to install a No Through Road sign at the Reynards Lane junction.


25.2.13 Items of account, salaries HMRC, general administration, external audit, neighbourhood plan

Cq 1812 PKF Little John                    External audit fee                               £465 (VAT £77.50)

Cq 1813 S Hampson                           February clerk’s salary                       £442.43

Cq 1814 S Hampson                           February internet provision                £17.00

Cq 1815 S Hampson                           Reimbursement of expenses               £13.55

Cq 1816 DDDC                                  Election recharges                              £2,755.19

Cq 1817 Hartington Village Hall       February meeting hire                        £17.50

Cq 1818 Hartington Village Hall       Neighbourhood Plan hire                    £50.00

Cq 1819 DCC                                     2 grit bin refills                                   £299.54 (VAT £49.92)


25.2.14 Planning applications, planning sub-committee and appeals, enforcement, PDNPA Local Plan

Resolved:  to support a proposal for listed building consent at Bank House for the replacement of 3 pvc windows with timber frames and the retention of an existing satellite dish in its current position.


25.2.15 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting

Following concerns expressed in previous minutes, regarding the relayed kerb edge at a property being renovated on Hall Bank the owners had confirmed that the kerbs had been reinstating under the direction of DDDC’s building control and further acknowledge that they will undertake restoration of the extensive damage on the opposite side of the road.


Mr Annat and the clerk had made contact with the new MP.  As a result of Mr Annat’s communication and a source of funding available to the MP, a section of Hall Bank near the YHA and Hall Farm has been professionally resurfaced in a short period of time.  Multiple requests had previously been sent to DCC. 


Road closures are in place to facilitate an ash die back project on the Via Gelia road.


Resolved:  the clerk to report potholes near the grass island in the centre of the village.


25.2.16 Grit bin monitoring and snow warden scheme

The clerk had sent a strongly worded letter to DCC regarding the lack of gritting of Dig Street to the doctors’ surgery.  DCC ordinarily does not grit tertiary routes.

Resolved:  The clerk to pursue enquiries with the insurance company and DCC regarding insurance for a registered snow warden for the village.


25.2.17 Items for News and Views

Information was not prepared for an article.


24.12.18 Correspondence and communication

Correspondence had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and included:  DALC information, DCC news, Rural Bulletins, PDNPA restructure, community nature fund, DCC developer contributions protocol consultation, Darley Dale Council’s big green energy day, Derbyshire and Derby minerals plan, energy awareness training dates, launch of small WEEE collection, PC liaison forums.  Peak Park boss new roadshows.  Grants may be available through PDNPA towards village seats.

Information had been received regarding a request to remove and relocate the community noticeboard which the parish council had previously paid for.  An offer had been received from the Royal British Legion to site it there but to use part of it for advertising British Legion publicity.  The parish council is grateful for the offer but alternative sites need to be investigated for maximum visibility and accessibility.

Wakes’ week, the Oddfellows’ March and the wells’ dressings were discussed.  As agreed, many years ago, the parish council will continue to pay for the wakes’ band.

Resolved:  The band, blessing of the wells and march will be 13th September 2025.

24.12.19 Items for the next agenda

Neighbourhood Plan, former cheese factory site, grit bins and snow warden, traffic regulation orders/yellow lines and Reynards Lane No through road, community noticeboard, village seats.  Additional items to be compiled by the clerk. 

24.12.22 Date of next meeting:  Wednesday, 5th March 2025

Confidential Items

There were no confidential items to discuss.

The meeting was declared closed at 9.30 pm

 Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council


12th February 2025

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting