Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 9th October 2024 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse.
Present: A Grindey, D Annat, S Bruce, R Sherratt and the clerk, S Hampson. There was one member of the public in attendance for part of the meeting.
Part 1 Non-confidential information
24.10.1 Apologies and attendance register
Apologies had been received in advance from Mr S Wager. The members present completed the attendance register.
24.10.2 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members, in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.
Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were duly signed by Mr Grindey.
24.10.3 Public speaking
The member of the public reported that Rural Action Derbyshire are presently seeking small pockets of land suitable for affordable housing and will pay a percentage above agricultural prices for such pieces of land for affordable housing.
24.10.4 Casual vacancy and co-option
The casual vacancy for one position on the parish council had been advertised on the website and on the noticeboard. During the period, more than the minimum of ten members of the community required by statute, contacted Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) to request a full election. This according to DDDC is a most unusual event for a co-option, due to the costs incurred.
The process of nomination will, therefore, commence as from 10th October, with nominations closing on 18th October. An election will take place in the Village Hall on 14th November and the one vacancy will no longer be filled by co-option.
The cost of this election, for only one vacancy, is estimated by DDDC to be £2,000 from the precept. Polling cards will be sent out by DDDC.
24.10.5 Hartington First Responders
Hartington and District First Responders is a new voluntary service looking to recruit. A representative will attend the November parish council meeting to speak to the parish council regarding this initiative which has received support from the local doctor. An article regarding this matter will be placed in News and Views (article not composed by the parish council).
24.10 6 Connect Fibre update.
There was nothing further to report from Connect Fibre. The parish council reiterated their opposition to overground poles.
24.10.7 Update from the District Councillor
The District Councillor was not present and no update had been provided from the District Councillor regarding field 0657 previously purchased by DDDC for an extension to the parish council cemetery.
24.10.8 Former cheese factory site
It was reported that further building works had been undertaken on properties being considered as affordable housing. An employee of the developer had reported that the properties should be complete within 4 weeks. The parish council is pleased by this but look forward to the correct marketing of these properties at the correct price.
Resolved: The clerk to write to the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) to relate the information of the near completion of the ‘affordable houses’ to ensure that the properties, rented or on sale, are done so as agreed by the District Valuer prices.
24.10.9 Neighbourhood Plan documents and grant application
There are now changes to PDNPA’s Local Plan. PDNPA has express some slight concerns with a reference within the Neighbourhood to a possible extension to the parish council’s cemetery. The Neighbourhood Plan will now be on the November agenda at the PDNPA. The parish council awaits approval by PDNPA.
24.10.10 Underground camera survey
There was no further update to report in regards to the underground camera survey. Members considered whether this was the appropriate season to undertake such work. It was reported that some attention had been given to the pond; this was by Derbyshire County Council (DCC).
24.10 11 Telephone box
Art work in the form of a poppy design has been undertaken, including photoshop support. A cost for the production of this, into a large scale, suitable for the telephone box will cost £90 plus £30 postage.
Resolved: The above costs to be met by the parish council.
24.10.12 War Memorial Stone
Subsequent to the previous meeting, the memorial stone with information plaque attached has been kindly put in place by Mr Grindey, Mr Wager and Mr Annat. The stone will weather naturally, over time.
24.10.13 Freedom of Information (FoI) requests, clerk/RFO’s time, AGAR 23-24
The clerk had contacted the resident who had submitted the FoI requests to seek clarification of his request for extended responses. This information was not available in time for the meeting. This FoI request concerned the appointment of the consultant for the Neighbourhood Plan. The planning consultant’s first invoice was under £500 and did not require a comparison quote. The steering group including Mr Annat from the parish council were more than satisfied to continue with the same planning consultant and all remaining costs have been covered by the achievement of grant funding which does not require more than one quote for invoices because costs are being met by government funding. In all other instances, the parish council strives to obtain 3 quotes. As previously approved, the clerk had included ten hours’ overtime within her October salary.
There was no further update from the external auditor to discuss at the meeting.
24.10.14 Christmas tree light switch on and use of green
As previously discussed, the date will be Sunday, 8th December (5pm to be confirmed). The Oddfellows will also kindly assist at this event. The same resident has offered to once again supply a Christmas tree for which the parish council is most grateful.
Resolved: to purchase additional lighting through the same supplier to ensure fit. Mr Annat will order these.
Resolved: Mr Grindey to receive the Christmas tree a week before the tree is put in place.
24.9.14 Items of account, salaries HMRC, general administration, banking, mowing contractor, external audit
Cq 1782 Hartington Village Hall Hire £27.50
Cq 1783 S Hampson October salary inc 10 hours overtime £581.87
Cq 1784 S Hampson October internet provision £17.00
Cq 1785 S Hampson Reimbursement of expenses £10.85
Cq 1786 Shelter Maintenance Ltd Bus shelter cleaning service £12.38 VAT £2.06
Cq 1787 B Coles 2 x Mowing cuts September £595.20 VAT £99.20
24.9.15 Planning applications, planning sub-committee and appeals
There were no new planning applications. Following the clerk’s communication with the Enforcement Team at Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) their response states there is no breach of planning as this animal is being kept as a pet.
A hard copy of the new Local Plan from PDNPA had arrived and will be circulated amongst the members in advance of submitting comments during the consultation period. The parish council would encourage members of the parish to view the Local Plan on line and to submit comments.
24.10.16 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting
An email had been received from a resident regarding inappropriate parking on Stonewell Lane and within the village which may impact on visits by the emergency services. The resident has already contacted both Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Highways Department and the District Councillor. Advice has been to contact 101. The restoration works on Hall Bank do not appear to be of a very high quality.
The damaged memorial seat has kindly been removed by Mr Grindey and another one needs replacing in the same fashion of timber and wrought iron frame work. Mr Annat will provide a family member contact number.
The clerk requested that all parish council grit bins now be regularly checked and also asked whether the Oddfellows would still provide a service through the DCC Snow Warden Scheme.
Resolved: The clerk to contact the local PCSO for suggestions regarding the parking issues.
Resolved: Mr Grindey to check the grit bins and the clerk to liaise with the Oddfellows regarding the Snow Warden Scheme. This item to remain on future agendas throughout the winter season.
24.10.17 Items for News and Views
An article will feature about the telephone box and the new War Memorial Stone.
Resolved: to place an article regarding the election.
24.10.18 Correspondence and communication, email address
Contact is now being made via the new parish council contact email address. Correspondence had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and included: Rural bulletins, DCC news, DCC Community news,
24.10.19 Items for the next agenda
Election, Remembrance Day, Neighbourhood Plan, former cheese factory site, Freedom of Information requests, seating around the pond, grit bins. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.
24.10.20 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 6th November 2024
Confidential Items
There were no confidential items to discuss.
The meeting was declared closed at 9.00 pm
Mrs S Hampson,
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
11th October 2024
©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting