Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 4th December 2024 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse.

 Present:  A Grindey, S Wager, D Annat, S Bruce, R Sherratt, S Spencer, the clerk, and S Hampson.  There was one member of the public in attendance for part of the meeting.

 Part 1 Non-confidential information

24.12.1 Declaration of acceptance of office of new councillor. Register of interest of new councillor following the election

Miss S Spencer duly completed the acceptance of officer as a new councillor before the proper officer of the parish council, Mrs Hampson.  Miss Spencer also provided a completed register of interest document.  Miss Spencer was welcomed to the parish council following a significant majority vote at the election of 139 votes to 36 votes.  The cost of the election to the parish is very significant, with costs expected to be £3,294.23.

 24.12.2 Apologies and attendance register

The members completed the attendance register.  

 24.12.3 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members, in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  

Resolved:  to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were duly signed by Mr Grindey.

24.12.4 Public speaking

The public speaking procedures document was available for member of the public and she provided information regarding the first responders (see item 24.12.5)

24.12.5 Update from District Councillor and possible update on field 0657

The District Councillor was not in attendance

24.12.5 Hartington First Responders

Hartington & District Community First Responder Service will include the areas of Hartington, Biggin, Earl Sterndale, Flagg and Monyash to aid the need for more urgent/emergency response support.  They have been working with the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) to bring more Community First Responders to our rural area. They now have interested applicants awaiting training with EMAS for the new Hartington & District Community First Responder Service which should enhance and compliment the support given by neighbouring Responder Services.

The next steps are to finalise a constitution, establish access to a bank account and then promote and recruit a working group with a chair, secretary and treasurer, alongside 2-3 volunteer support roles, hopefully completed early in 2025.  Once up and running, they will regularly update the 5 Parish Councils and seek to provide invaluable training.  They will be establishing fund raising streams and hope that each of the Parish Councils will be able to donate towards the annual running costs in their precept.  There are 4 members in the core group.

The clerk had asked, in advance of the meeting, whether a defibrillator checking service could be provided for Hartington and the other parishes.

24.12.6 Connect Fibre update.

The clerk had requested yet further updates but there was still nothing further to report from Connect Fibre.  Despite the use of verges for ducting, it was reported that poles have been erected in the middle of pavements in a neighbouring parish.

24.12.8 Former cheese factory site

Following the November meeting, the clerk had contacted the senior planner to confirm exactly what has been agreed, in terms of flood attenuation measures at the development site, as the parish council had not been notified. A response had been received from the officer who had recently approved ground restoration measures relating to the approved flood attenuation scheme which was a requirement of a condition imposed on the extant planning permission ahead of flood measures being carried out.  Following approval of these details, the relevant condition now requires the developer to carry out flood attenuation measures in full, within a further 6 months from 15th October 2024.  The appearance will be quite primitive.  The main principle is that construction cannot take place on the land designated for the attenuation scheme.


24.12.9 Neighbourhood Plan documents and grant application

The plan has progressed and it is hoped that the plan will now go before the January committee following information being incorporated by the consultant.  The success of the Neighbourhood Plan is vital due to the new Local Plan Review which the parish council commented on.  The parish council is very grateful to the resident from the village and his ecologist team who have provided a report, free of charge including the timely validation of habitats assessment. 


24.12.10 Budget and precept 2025-2026

As detailed in agenda item 24.12.1, an election cost in excess of £3000 will have a significant impact on reserve funding.  The clerk had prepared accounts projected to the end of the financial year together with a budget for the year 2025-2026.  Income from the cemetery is unpredictable and can influence the following year’s funding however, it can be nil.  Two new seats may need to be funded around the pond and the parish council’s laptop is almost 10 years old.  Approximately £12,000 are fixed costs. Members spent time considering budget items for the following year.  The clerk continues to submit documents in support of a claim for reimbursable expenditure from Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) to off-set mowing costs in the cemetery. This is capped at £410.

Resolved:  to precept for £15,000 for 2025-2026 and to continue to submit a claim for reimbursable expenditure for £410.

24.12.111 AGAR 23-24

The clerk had requested an update from the external auditors.  They have closed a case raised by a resident. The conclusion of the external audit and fee was not received in time for the meeting regarding the annual return.

24.12.12 Christmas tree light switch on and use of green

The Oddfellows will kindly assist at this event and a risk assessment has been completed.  The same residents had once again supplied a Christmas tree for which the parish council is most grateful.  As previously minuted, Mr Annat had purchased additional lighting through the same supplier to ensure fit and

Mr Grindey had received the Christmas tree and it had been erected through the hard work of volunteers


Resolved:  the parish council to directly donate monies for the electricity supply and is extremely grateful for this.


24.12.13 Items of account, salaries HMRC, general administration, banking, mowing contractor, external audit, neighbourhood plan, clerk’s pay award and back pay

Cq 1796 S Hampson               December and January internet provision                     £34.00

Cq 1797 S Hampson               December clerk’s salary and back pay                        £549.63

Cq 1798 S Hampson               January clerk’s salary                                                 £442.23

Cq 1799 S Hampson               Reimb. of expenses                                                     £9.80

Cq 1800 S Hampson               February internet provision                                        £17.00

Cq 1801 Shelter Maintenance Bus shelter cleaning services                                      £12.38 (VAT £2.06)

Cq 1802 Hartington Village Hall Meeting hire                                                          £27.50

Cq 1803 HMRC                      Quarter 3 income tax                                                  £390.40

Cq 1804 DDDC                      Election costs                                                              £3,294.23 (VAT £549.04)

Cq 1805 D Annat                    New Christmas lights                                                 £139.56

Cq 1806 L Goodwin               4 year website hosting                                                £115.00

Cq 1807 L Goodwin               Printing for inside telephone box                               £117.48

Cq 1808 L Goodwin               Website management fee                                           £250.00

Cq 1809 L Goodwin               Hosting domain for Neighbourhood Plan 24/25       £10.79

Cq 1810 L Goodwin               Hosting domain for Neighbourhood Plan 25/26       £10.79                        

Cq 1811 J Johnson                  Provision of electricity for Christmas activities         £50.00

24.12.14 Planning applications, planning sub-committee and appeals, enforcement, PDNPA Local Plan

A new application had been received for the primary school for an external window, door and replacement cladding.

Resolved:  to support the above application.

The clerk had contacted PDNPA regarding planning consents at Holloway Cottage.  Complaints had been received, including those from the neighbouring parish, regarding the wall built next door to Holloway Cottage resulting in their vehicles are encroaching onto the highway.  People have commented particularly that they fear collisions are likely in icy conditions. The road opposite is unrestricted and when there are vehicles also parked here, the width of the road is impacted.  Yellow lines at this location are detailed within the Neighbourhood Plan. 

A concern had been expressed regarding the relayed kerb edge at a property being renovated on Hall Bank and whether it has been reinstated encroaching further into the highway than the planning consent.  There is also now extensive damage on the opposite side of the road.

An acknowledgement had been received to the parish council’s detailed comments submitted regarding the Local Plan.  A resident had also kindly forwarded comments regarding the local plan. 

24.12.15 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting

See complaint re parking issues on Hall Bank referred to above. This is now a matter of urgency due to the lack of pavement and the area previously used by pedestrians above the Old Chapel to avoid traffic is no longer available.


Resolved: The clerk to make further contact with Derbyshire County Council (DCC) regarding the previously requested traffic regulation order for additional areas of yellow lines within the village, including Hall Bank which is also supported by the neighbouring parish council and now urgently, regarding pedestrian safety issues. 


The clerk had reported the condition of yellow lines within the village and signs on Mill Lane to be reinstated (FS Case 662776901).  An officer had visited the village and assessed that the quality of the yellow line painting was still fit for purpose, faded but still visible.  This had been communicated to a resident who had also made an enquiry.   

From the previous minutes, the clerk had reported a tree on Hyde Lane causing visibility issues (FS Case 662776285).

Complaints had been received due to an increasing number of vehicles using Reynards Lane, some by mistake.  This is leading to issues with walkers, agricultural vehicles, residents and a lack areas to turn around.

Resolved:  The clerk to request that Reynards Lane is designated as a ‘No through road’ with appropriate advisory signs at the bottom of the lane.

24.12.16 Grit bin monitoring and snow warden scheme

Hartington Community Group volunteers had kindly undertaken some gritting during the recent spell of snow.  The clerk had contacted Zurich Insurance to confirm insurance for the volunteers as previously, the Oddfellows volunteers had their own insurance.  Unfortunately, a response had not been received in time for the meeting.  The clerk had ordered grit refills from DCC

24.12.17 Items for News and Views

Resolved:  to place an article in the next issue about the snow warden scheme, the election and costs, the precept.

24.12.18 Correspondence and communication

Correspondence had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and included:  DALC information, DCC news, Rural Bulletins, school travel planning, trade waste document completed by the clerk, Maryn’s Law Forum and training details.

24.12.19 Items for the next agenda

Neighbourhood Plan, former cheese factory site, grit bins and snow warden, Connect Fibre external audit, traffic regulation orders/yellow lines and Reynards Lane No through road. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk. 

24.12.22 Date of next meeting:  Wednesday, 5th February 2025 (The parish council does not meet in January).

Confidential Items

There were no confidential items to discuss.

The meeting was declared closed at 9.30 pm


Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council


8th December 2024

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting