Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council


A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 1st March at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, S Bruce, R Sherratt, A Grindey, S Wager, the clerk, S Hampson and District Councillor D Chapman. There was also one member of the public in attendance.


Part 1 Non-confidential information

23.3.1 Apologies and attendance register

The members present completed the attendance register. 


23.3.2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  


Resolved:  to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat


23.3.3 Public speaking

The member of the public reported some information from Hartington Community Group.  The group are participating in part of The Great British Spring Clean programme. This is scheduled between 17th March to 2nd April.  A team of volunteers will litter pick along the main roads and within the village, using equipment supplied by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC).  DDDC will also collect the additional bags of litter from the vicinity of the waste bins on the village green . A number of redundant road signs have already been gathered together and await collection.  Some flytipping has also occurred within the parish.


23.3.4 Update from District Councillor

The District Councillor was in attendance and reported that a budget meeting will take place to approve the increase in council tax.  There is a shortfall to maintain services.  He reported that Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) will shortly be closing all of their visitor centres.  The cycle hire centre and facilities at Parsley Hay will remain unchanged.


District Councillor Chapman was asked to ensure the protection of Field 0657, purchased by DDDC, for the purpose of future additional burial facilities to be administered by the parish council.  This future burial site is identified on the Neighbourhood Plan.


District Councillor Chapman was further asked about the failure by PDNPA personnel to provide adequate notice of the cancellation of a meeting with the Chief Executive of PDNPA and to provide feedback.


Mr Annat reported his serious concerns regarding works that have taken place on the Tissington Trail by PDNPA contractors.  The trail has been made much wider, vegetation cut back extensively with some works for trees suffering from Ash Die Back but the approach has been quite destructive and obviously very costly.  


23.3.5 Former cheese factory site

Subsequent to the previous meeting, a limited number of staff have been on the development site.  There has been no progressive movement with the construction of affordable homes.  Some material has been moved from the field to the within the compound. (See planning for a recent planning proposal for the former dairy site).


23.3.6 Telephone box and painting

The clerk had yet to receive photographs of the telephone box.


23.3.7 Neighbourhood plan

Mr Annat reported that the plan will be ‘pulled together’ by the end of March with support by the consultant.  Mr Annat is working on documentation spanning 9 years of material gathered for the plan. 


Resolved:  Mr Annat to provide a further update at the April parish council meeting.


23.3.8 Bank Account

Mrs Broomhead MBE had spoken with the clerk to Parwich Parish Council who had provided some information on how he has now been able to authorise payments on behalf of the parish council.

Resolved:  The clerk to make contact with the clerk to Parwich Parish Council for further information.


23.3.9 Flooding, site meeting request and camera survey

The clerk had contacted the Highways and Flood Team personnel who had responded advising that they would liaise with other personnel and subsequently contact Mr Annat.  Mr Annat reported that a meeting has been arranged for approximately 2 weeks’ time to discuss matters and is aware of the blockage and swale associated with the development site plus the blockage with the village pond.


23.3.10 War memorial trees and wall

The clerk had contacted the appointed walling contractor for a start date.  The Oddfellows team had been advised of the request to remove the coping stones in order.  The old trees had not been removed at the time of the meeting but this will take place shortly. The invoices for the purchase of the 12 new Juniper trees (2.25 m height) and the professional advice and installation had been received but was not addressed to the parish council.  (See items of account).


Resolved:  The clerk to request a correct invoice and to forward payment on arrival.


23.3.11 Grit bin monitoring

The grit bins remain empty and no further communication has been received from Derbyshire County Council (DCC) following the clerk’s request.


Resolved:  The clerk to chase the grit supplies again.


23.3.12 King’s Coronation

DDDC will not be making any funds available towards the coronation celebrations as DDDC had advised clerk that the district council is already struggling to maintain existing services, with rising costs.  Mrs Broomhead MBE kindly provided a programme of proposals to commemorate the coronation and advised that other grants may be available, if required.  The programme will involve input from the Oddfellows team and the primary school.  There will be no requirement for road closures.  The ‘Big lunch’ on Sunday,

7th May is proposed to take place, weather permitting, in the field behind the war memorial.  (Alternatively, in the village hall.)  The clerk reminded the need for risk assessments to be undertaken for the proposed events over the 3 days.  The possibility of a new stone structure, near the pump, was also discussed to mark the occasion and to also tie in with the 10th anniversary of the village trail.  The other plinth, sited near the pump, is used for the display of the village trail.


Resolved:  if necessary, the parish council will make £500 available towards coronation event costs.


23.3.13 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration, mowing contractor

Cq 1652  S Hampson                          March clerk’s salary               £387.97

Cq 1653  S Hampson                          March internet provision            £17.00

Cq 1654  S Hampson                          Reimb. of expenses                 £9.25  

Cq 1655  Hartington Village Hall      Hire                                         £27.50

Cq 1656  HMRC                                 Quarter 4 income tax              £291.00

Cq 1657  Derwent Treescapes Ltd     Supply of 12 x 2.25m trees            £2,764.80 (VAT £460.80)

Cq 1658  Derwent Treescapes Ltd     Stakes, professional fees etc            £454.08    (VAT £75.68)

Cq 1659  S Hampson                          Ink cartridges                          £15.75


23.3.14 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals

An extension had been granted by PDNPA, to 1st March, to enable members to physically view matters connected to a new proposal at Hall Cottage, referred to in the previous minutes. Members carefully discussed the different aspects of the proposal.  The high garage to the west will impact on the neighbouring property.  The public view of the proposed new construction from Reynard’s Lane will be intrusive and prominent.  The sun room, however, will be virtually hidden due to the new high boundary wall.   The extension to the east is at full roof height and will also impact on the other neighbours to the east.


Resolved:  to object to the proposal, as currently presented, for the reasons discussed above.


A new proposal had been received, NP/DDD/0223/0156, for the former Dove Dairy site for a S.73 application for a variation of condition 2 on a previous application, NP/DDD/0418/0303.  Members discussed this proposal which seems again to reduce the quality of the building materials of the properties and, therefore, possibly reduces costs to the developer.  It also involves the removal of the swimming pool from one dwelling. 


Resolved:  to object to this proposal.  There is no reason to change the building materials from limestone to square gritstone.


NP/DDD/0123/0062 Site address –Pilsbury Grange, unnamed road from Dig Street to C263, Hartington

Comments regarding this proposal had been submitted after the last meeting.

Planning decision notices had been granted for:


  • Newhaven Cottage Farm – conversion of stone barn to holiday accommodation.
  • 2 Hall Bank – 2 storey extension
  • Springfield House – the removal of a glazed sunroom and internal courtyard walls to facilitate a new kitchen extension, the removal of the existing 1980’s garage and replacement with a new garage with a one bed annex and the construction of a new boundary wall.


A pre-planning enquiry had been received, initially for a neighbouring parish; however, the clerk had forwarded details to the parish council regarding a new telecommunications tower in the vicinity of Heathcote.  This proposal is for a tower of an extreme height (30 m high) with ancillary building and equipment which will be visible from a number of directions.  Other sites considered appear to have been dismissed.


Resolved: to submit objections to a proposal of this type being sited at this location, in advance of any formal planning application which may be received.


23.3.16 Highway issues and yellow lines (including possible site meeting), potholes, footpaths, street lighting.  Charging of electric vehicles.

The clerk had contacted the highway authorities to request a site meeting to discuss highway issues in Hartington and a response had been received advising evidence is being gathered first, FS-Case-487324440.  A job has been raised to attend to the faulty street light on Hyde Lane.  Mrs Bruce advised that the previously reported faulty street light on the Dale had still not been fixed, despite a job being raised for this too.  The reported potholes around the grass island also remain untouched by DCC.


Resolved:  the clerk to report the above outstanding issues again to DCC.


23.3.17 Correspondence and communication

Details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and in addition to those matters covered by the agenda included:  


DDDC organising a local event, Community News from DCC, Parish and Town Council liaison forums, DCC job raised to fix Hyde Lane street light, speedwatch items for sale, PDNPA elections, flood meeting, 20s plenty for Derbyshire, pspo@derbyshiredales.gov.uk to advise location of existing dog fouling notices, consultation on second homes, DALC police liaison meeting, adult community education news, PDNPA walks, election voter identification, PDNPA funding for access, DALC newsletter for February, join PDNPA mosaic team, Bold ambitions for Peak District transport backed at Buxton event. Parish council elections will take place on 4th May.


23.3.18 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial trees and wall, Neighbourhood Plan, telephone box, former cheese factory site, grit bin monitoring, King’s coronation, elections, donation towards the production costs of News and Views.  Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.


23.3.19 Date of next meeting:  Wednesday, 5th April 2023


The meeting was declared closed at 9.20 pm.


Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

4th March 2023

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting