Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 1st February at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse
Present: D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, S Bruce, R Sherratt, A Grindey and the clerk, S Hampson. There was one member of the public in attendance.
Part 1 Non-confidential information
23.2.1 Apologies and attendance register
Apologies had been received, in advance of the meeting, from Mr S Wager. The other members present completed the attendance register.
23.2.2 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.
Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr Annat
23.2.3 Public speaking
There was one member of the public in attendance representing Hartington Community Group and reported that the following day, volunteers would remove some of the excess irises from the village pond. He further reported that there would be a meeting to discuss some proposals to mark the forthcoming coronation of the King.
Resolved: Mr Sherratt to assist with the removal of debris from the pond.
Resolved: Mr Annat to attend the Hartington Community Group meeting regarding the coronation.
Resolved: The parish council to grant the use of the village greens for village coronation events.
23.2.4 Update from District Councillor
The District Councillor was not in attendance. Members wished to speak to him in his other capacity as Vice Chairman of the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) following the recent cancellation of a meeting without notice.
Resolved: the clerk to invite the District Councillor to specifically attend the March parish council meeting.
23.2.5 Former cheese factory site
A letter from the parish council had been sent to the senior planning officer concerned with the housing development. The parish council believed that a mistake had been made by The Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) in advising a local couple that they did not meet the criteria for affordable housing in Hartington. The planning officer subsequently responded to the clerk to advise that indeed the authority had been mistaken in their response. There was no further update on a proposal for a Cheese Heritage building. It was reported that building works for the overall development are only progressing very slowly, especially the affordable homes. The parish council members hope the development gets finished as soon as possible.
23.2.6 Telephone box and painting
Mr Annat previously reported that he had taken some photographs of the former telephone box. Mr Annat had not forwarded photographs of the telephone box to the clerk in time for the meeting but will do so to enable quotes to be obtained for the work.
23.2.7 Neighbourhood plan
The grant application for £8,410 referred to in the previous minutes had been successful and the monies received. This will contribute to funding towards the production of the Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) and to design a separate website for the Neighbourhood Plan. The new website is now operating successfully. An invoice had been received from the planning consultant employed to assist with the final stages of the production of the Plan. (See items of account). It was acknowledged that this represented immense value due to the volume of work completed. The Plan has been tested and is fit for purpose. There are no real obstacles. The committee had met regarding multiple amendments; maps redrawn and the Plan is ready to submit to the consultant. There are no other local parish councils except Bradwell with a Neighbourhood Plan. There has been no assistance from the PDNPA which is a poor reflection on the authority. Mr Annat thanked members of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee for all their hard work together with the resident who has assisted greatly with the production of the new website.
The aim is to get the Plan and portfolio of documents ready for submission by the end of February/March to PDNPA, ahead of the Section 16 process and publication and consultation with other agencies prior to the Inspector’s assessment.
23.2.8 Bank Account
A response to the clerk’s request for further information about on-line banking had been received in time for the meeting but only to detail names of 4 banks used by other parish councils.
Resolved: To place the item on future agendas.
23.2.9 Flooding and camera survey
Mr Wager had reported to the clerk, prior to the meeting, that the person he had previously reported as undertaking underground camera surveys had stopped providing this service. Mr Annat has 2 other possible sources to contact. It will be necessary for water levels to drop. Mr Annat has built a file regarding potential flooding. Construction at the housing development causes a back up of water. Mr Annat provided contact details of Derbyshire County Council (DCC) employees concerned with flooding.
Mr Annat and Mr Sherratt had ‘rodded’ the pond but reported that it is blocked. The rodding had resulted in the pond level dropping but the blockage causes water to come up through tarmac causing it to break up.
Resolved: the clerk to contact the Highways and Flood Team departments.
23.2.10 War memorial trees and wall
Mr Annat had liaised with the company able to supply the replacement trees and to prepare for planting. He reported that one day’s services from the company would be required. The invoice will be received before the end of the financial year.
Resolved: Mr Sherratt and Mr Grindey to remove the present trees by mechanical means by the end of February.
Resolved: The clerk to advise the Oddfellows to remove and lay down the copers in order of removal.
Resolved: A temporary fence to be used during the course of the contractor rebuilding the wall.
Resolved: Old wreaths to be removed from the War Memorial.
Resolved: An article explaining the process to be placed in the next News and Views.
22.2.11 Grit bin monitoring
The clerk had requested a suitability assessment for a possible new grit bin at the top of Stonewell Lane and also requested the grit bin on Station Hill to be refilled. DCC had found it rather difficult to locate the bin on Station Hill.
22.2.12 Section 137 contribution towards portable ECG monitor
Following receipt of information from the Hartington Patients’ Group, members discussed the possible donation towards the ECG monitor. DALC had confirmed that Section 137 could be used for this purpose. Some other parish councils had also been approached along with the Rotary Club and the Masons.
Resolved: to donate £250 towards the purchase of the ECG monitor for the benefit of parishioners.
22.2.13 King’s Coronation
Also see public speaking. The clerk had contacted Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) regarding possible grant funding. The parish council’s insurance does not need to be contacted if under 2000 attendees but a risk assessment must be in place; compliance with Health and Safety guidance and third party suppliers etc must have their own public liability insurance. The Hartington Community Group has some funds to carry over from the platinum jubilee.
Resolved: in principle, the parish council will support proposals but not necessarily financially, other than any grants received by the parish council from DDDC can subsequently be made available to support the commemorations.
22.12.14 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration, mowing contractor
Cq 1644 Hartington Village Hall Hire £27.50
Cq 1645 S Hampson February internet provision £17.00
Cq 1646 S Hampson February Clerk’s salary £387.97
Cq 1646 S Hampson Reimbursement of expenses £7.65
Cq 1648 B Coles Final mowing of 2022 £282.00 (VAT £47)
Cq 1649 J Newman Neighbourhood plan consultancy £467.50
Cq 1650 Shelter Maintenance Bus shelter cleaning £11.24 (VAT £1.87)
Cq 1651 Hartington PPG ECG monitor donation £250 (Section 137)
Grant monies received from Groundworks Ltd for £8,410 towards the production of the Neighbourhood Plan.
22.2.15 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals
Planning decision notices had been received and granted for:
Hartington YHA re enlargement of existing plant room to allow for installation of new boilers, installation of external gas tanks and refuse store and associated access. Reconfiguration of existing WCs to create new laundry room and WCs and installation of new fire door including listed building consent.
Minton House, Listed Building consent – To remove existing hallway stud partition and construct new studwork partition to enlarge hallway area and provide storage and reconfigure new shower room bathroom behind.
New applications
Hall Bank Cottage, Hall Bank, Hartington, Extension and alterations to the existing House including gabled extension to the rear of the property including lean-to Sunroom. A detached Garage with office accommodation above and alterations to form driveway and off-road parking. In terms of demolition, minimal amounts are proposed only break through the existing house into the new extension. No other demolition of structures on the site are proposed.
This proposal represents a substantial increase to an old cottage. It is not a simple addition and the elevations on the plans are not clear making it difficult to understand. There could be some access issues.
Resolved: the clerk to request an extension to 1st March to enable members to physically view matters.
Springfield House, the removal of a glazed sunroom and internal courtyard walls to facilitate a new kitchen extension, the removal of the existing 1980’s garage and replacement with a new garage with a one bed annex and the construction of a new boundary wall.
The size and scale of these proposals are much less obtrusive than a previous submission and the scheme is more attractive. Access is a legal concern to another party. It is a big single storey extension but cannot be seen from the road and fits policy.
Resolved: to support the above proposal.
Pilsbury Grange Farm house, erection of glass house.
This proposal to a Grade II, 17th Century property involves inaccuracies to the design and access statement as the proposed glass house is attached to the original building despite saying the contrary. It is a 35 feet construction seen from different aspects. Members questioned what the historic buildings officers say about this proposal.
Resolved: to object to this proposal.
22.2.16 Highway issues and yellow lines, potholes, footpaths, street lighting
The clerk had reported the faulty street light near the School House and the pot holes developing around the grass island in the village.
Complaints have been received regarding the owners of an electric vehicle being parked completely on the pavement to facilitate an electric charge. This is just below the British Legion and pedestrians are being forced to walk into the road.
Resolved: the clerk to report this matter to Highways and the police, as this is a highway contravention.
Members are entirely dissatisfied with the road surface over Hall Bank and would like to request a site meeting in the village to discuss a traffic regulation order from Reynards Lane to the Old Chapel, as parking here is causing a real and present danger.
Resolved: the clerk to contact the Highway authorities to request the site meeting.
22.2.17 Correspondence and communication
Details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and in addition to those matters covered by the agenda included:
DALC community news, energy bills workshop, District and Parish Council elections, Rural Bulletins, Round Robins, bin collections, public space orders, parish council liaison forums, RSN funding digest, DALC training circulars, January Health and Well Being round up, warm spaces, mobile library routes.
Resolved: the clerk to request 20 dog fouling notices connected to public space orders.
Parish council elections will take place on 4th May. The clerk cannot assist with candidates’ application forms. The clerk had requested hard copies of election posters.
22.2.18 Items for the next agenda
War Memorial Trees and wall, Neighbourhood Plan, telephone box, former cheese factory site, grit bin monitoring. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.
22.12.19 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 1st March 2023
The meeting was declared closed at 9.10 pm.
Mrs S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
10th February 2023
©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting