Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council


A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 5th April at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse following a public meeting held in Hartington Village Hall.


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, R Sherratt, A Grindey, S Wager, the clerk, S Hampson and District Councillor D Chapman. There were no members of the public in attendance.


Part 1 Non-confidential information

23.4.1 Apologies and attendance register

The members present completed the attendance register.  Mrs Bruce was not in attendance due to annual leave.


23.4.2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  


Resolved:  to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat


23.4.3 Public speaking

There were no members of the public in attendance at the parish council meeting; however, a public meeting had taken place prior to the parish council meeting to discuss a proposal for a proposed cheese heritage centre and was attended by approximately 100 people.  (See separate document detailing this public meeting).


Mrs Broomhead MBE raised a matter for future consideration.  This was for the installation of Toad Crossing signs at the vicinity of the pond to ensure the safety of the toads crossing the road.


Resolved:  to place the item on the next agenda.


23.4.4 Update from District Councillor

The District Councillor was in attendance but had nothing to report regarding Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC).  He did report that there is some restructuring taking place at the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA).  In connection with previous minutes, Mr Annat reported that a meeting had been arranged between himself and other members of the PDNPA.


23.4.5 Former cheese factory site

Also see minutes of the public meeting.


23.4.6 Telephone box and painting

Mr Annat had forwarded some photographs of the former telephone box to the clerk, immediately prior to the meeting.  Both Mr Annat and Mr Sherratt had taken time to view the condition of the telephone box; some remedial sanding work is required together with painting in authentic paint.

Mrs Broomhead MBE reported she had been approached by a resident with ideas for the phone box to become a wildlife sighting, ecological hub.  Other ideas for its future use included a form of village history and memories.


Resolved:  to place the item on future agendas and to contact some local residents about forms of village history.

Resolved:  the clerk to contact suppliers of the authentic red paint.


23.4.7 Neighbourhood plan

Approximately £8,000 had been received in the form of a grant but not all of this had been spent by 31st March and the residue will have to be returned.  Further grants can be reapplied for.  Invoices had recently been received for £5,260 in connection with further consultant’s fees and the new website.


23.4.8 Bank Account

To be deferred to a future meeting.


23.4.9 Flooding, site meeting request and camera survey

A site meeting had taken place between Mr Annat, Mr Grindey, Mr Sherratt and a member of the Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Flood Team.  The length of the culvert and area around the pond had been walked during the visit.  Mr Annat had submitted a map indicating houses affected by flooding.  DCC had subsequently jetted the pond but had only been able to reach the blockage previously discovered by Mr Sherratt.  It is possible that there is also a blockage on Stonewell Lane.  DCC personnel estimate that a full survey of the whole system is required, costing approximately £25,000.  A request will be submitted and Mr Annat had thanked him for this but the outcome of this request is awaited.  Following last year’s renovations to the pond, involving resealing, together with the blockage, may result in periodic overflowing of water from the pond.  The parish council can not now do any more and matters rest with DCC.

 23.4.10 War memorial trees and wall

Mr Sherratt and Mr Grindey were thanked for their considerable efforts and use of their machinery to remove the old trees from the perimeter of the War Memorial.  This had been a huge task.  The professional services of Derwent Treescapes had subsequently been deployed to assist with the planting of 12 new Juniper trees purchased by the parish council to represent the 12 fallen soldiers of the two world wars.  These trees will require considerable watering over the coming weeks.

During the process, it had become apparent that the rebuilding of the War Memorial wall was no longer required.  There may, however, be some remedial work required to the flagged area in front of the trees in addition to repointing of the existing wall and replacement of a few stones.  This will now save considerable costs previously budgeted for.

 Resolved:  The clerk to forward apologies to the appointed walling contractor for the loss of the rebuilding contract and to request him to attend to the remedial works identified above.

Resolved:  to ensure that the 12 new trees remain as individual trees by ensuring sensitive trimming is maintained and DDDC maintenance team do not get involved.

Resolved:  to consider erecting an information plaque explaining the history of the listed War Memorial, including the rationale behind the 12 trees and to discuss this further at the next meeting.

 23.4.11 Grit bin monitoring

The grit bins had not been checked prior to the meeting.

 23.4.12 King’s Coronation

Mrs Broomhead MBE had forwarded some details, in advance of the meeting, regarding a proposal by the Hartington Community Group (HCG) to erect a second plinth at the location of the former pump in connection with an anniversary of the village trail.  The parish council is not involved in the proposal for the second plinth, other than to grant permission for it to be erected at this location, therefore, excluding parish council tender processes. 

 The clerk suggested obtaining permission to erect the plinth from the Built Environment Team at PDNPA and also for permission to use the King’s coronation art work, in case of copy right etc.  She also advised that it would have to be at least 450 mm away from the highway to meet minimum requirements from DCC. Mr Annat expressed concerns that the second plinth would not appear balanced and a site meeting would be required.  Also, could there be further ideas to be considered from the village community? 

 Resolved:  Mrs Broomhead MBE to contact PDNPA regarding obtaining permission to site a second plinth at this location.

Resolved:  A site meeting to take place prior to the next parish council meeting.

 23.4.13 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration, mowing contractor

Cq 1660 Hartington Community Group         Section 137 donation News & Views                        £250.00

Cq 1661 Hartington Village Hall                   Meeting hire                                                   £27.50

Cq 1662 S Hampson                                       April internet provision                                    £17.00

Cq 1663 S Hampson                                       April clerk’s salary                                         £387.97

Cq 1664 S Hampson                                       Reimb. of expenses                                         £12.90

Cq 1665 S Hampson                                       Annual premises allowance                                £312.00

Cq 1666 Jane Newman Planning                    Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy Fees        £4,725.00

Cq 1667 L Goodwin                                       New website fees                                            £535.00

 23.4.14 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals

New proposals were considered for:

-/0246 19 Stonewell Lane for the insertion of new French windows.  The applicants claim to be ‘starved of light’. 

 Resolved:  By majority decision, the parish council have no objections to this proposal if it enhances the quality of life for the occupants.

 Plot 0156 – originally plot number 1, involves changing the building material from limestone to gritstone.  Members consider that this is not a minor change as described in the design and access statement.  There are now too many gritstone properties interspersed in the development reducing the number of high-quality limestone properties.  This property is in a prominent location on the north west edge of the estate.

Plot 0171 (Previously plots T and U) also involves a change of use to alternative stone building materials.

Resolved:  to object to the above proposals due to the change of building materials. 

 The parish council had been made aware of a letter from the new owners of Hall Cottage in connection with a planning proposal for a large detached garage and extension to the property.  The parish council welcomes new residents but as far as the visual impact of a street view of Hall Bank was concerned indicating their proposals, this further emphasized the large garage with solar panels that is very much further away from the original house and appears to be even bigger in size on the latest set of plans.  Its location makes no difference a window at Yew Tree Cottage.  The height of the garage is similar to Yew Tree Cottage and could be much better positioned within the garden.

Resolved:  to still oppose the plans at Hall Cottage.  Mrs Broomhead MBE declared an interest in this matter and abstained from voting.

Resolved:  Mr Annat to submit all planning comments to PDNPA.

23.4.15 Highway issues and yellow lines (including possible site meeting), potholes, footpaths, street lighting.  Charging of electric vehicles.

It was reported that a lady had recently fallen as a consequence of a pot hole near the village shop.  This hole has previously received some intervention from DCC. 

 Resolved:  to report this pot hole again and to request immediate remedial action.

23.4.16 Election update

Mr Annat had been advised by the elections team at DDDC, following the deadline date of 4th April, that all 6 existing members of the parish council will be re-elected, unopposed.

23.4.17 Correspondence and communication

Details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and in addition to those matters covered by the agenda included:  

DALC newsletters, Rural bulletins, DCC news1etters, election material.

23.3.18 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial, Neighbourhood Plan, telephone box, former cheese factory site, King’s coronation, toad crossing sign, annual accounts.  Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.

23.3.19 Date of next meeting:  Wednesday, 10th May 2023 (The Annual Parish Council Meeting)

NB this date is not the first Wednesday in the month, due to the elections.  This meeting will follow the Parish Annual meeting.

The meeting was declared closed at 9.20 pm.


Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

11th April 2023

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting