Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 4th October 2023 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse.
Present: D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, A Grindey, R Sherratt, and the clerk, S Hampson. There were no members of the public in attendance for part of the meeting.
Part 1 Non-confidential information
23.10.1 Apologies and attendance register
Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from Mrs Bruce and Mr Wager. The other members present completed the attendance register. There was no need, by any member present, to declare an interest in the agenda items.
23.10.2 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.
Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr Annat
23.10.3 Public speaking
From the previous meeting, the condition of the Church Street pavement had been reported to Derbyshire County Council, ref FS Case-548059858.
In advance of the meeting, Mrs Bruce had advised the clerk that the gate on the footpath from Sheen to Stonewell Lane was in a hazardous state. The clerk had contacted the Ranger Service regarding this,
Hartington Community Group (HCG) intends to place a coronation memorial. Mr Annat had advised the group that the most appropriate place would be at the village hall.
Resolved: to place the coronation memorial on the next agenda to formally agree, in principle, a donation of £200 towards the project, subject to receiving the final details from HCG.
23.10.4 Update from District Councillor and Local Projects Fund
The District Councillor was not in attendance and had forwarded his apologies; however, he had brought to the attention of Mr Annat, an initial quite shocking motion by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) that the Parsons Croft car park on Mill Lane in Hartington could be used as a temporary ‘travellers’ site. Mr Annat had submitted a strongly worded statement regarding this proposal. The motion had, however, subsequently been withdrawn and Parsons Croft car park will no longer be considered. A full review of the number of sites is required. The parish council members were grateful to the District Councillor for being advised on the matter.
23.10.5 Former cheese factory site
The houses remain unfinished. A number of local people have registered an interest in affordable homes with the agent and have heard nothing.
Resolved: The clerk to write to Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) to request the official position on the affordable houses; a date for completion; terms
23.10.6 Telephone box and painting
New telephone box signs had been ordered and are now in place (also see the items of account) and the new handle has been placed on the door. The parish council once again thanked the Oddfellows for the outstanding job. Consideration will now be given to alternative uses for the interior, perhaps of a creative nature. Mr Wager was not in attendance with other invoices for payment. Mr Annat will also give further consideration to obtaining a vintage type telephone set up (non-functional).
Resolved: to reimburse individuals for any restoration and painting items on production of the receipts.
Resolved: to liaise with the Hartington History Group regarding possible use for the interior of the telephone box.
Resolved: to place uses of the telephone box on future agendas.
23.10.7 Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Annat has commenced an application for the new grants now available. The application is more complicated. Mr Annat had contacted the consultant requesting a time sheet. A resident is redrawing maps again for the submission. Other documents have been completed. The consultant is now going through the revised plan to submit to PDNPA. Public consultation will be 6 weeks followed by submission to the Inspector. It approved; a referendum will follow.
23.10.8 Drainage and flood team
There was nothing further to report at the meeting.
Resolved: Mr Annat will submit a further email.
23.10.9 Co-options policy
The clerk had prepared a Co-options policy for the council.
Resolved: to adopt the policy and publish on the website.
23.10.10 Remembrance Day
The clerk had ordered a wreath for placement by the parish council.
23.10.11 Snow warden scheme and sprinkler
Mr Wager was not in attendance and an approximate cost of a sprinkler had not been received. From his previous experience as the snow warden, Mr Grindey reported that the sprinkler may not be the best way forward in icy conditions to distribute the grit on pavements. He also advised that there should be one co-ordinator. One person will have to go on the Derbyshire County Council (DCC) course to become the snow warden for the village. The village Oddfellow members and members of the HCG may be able to work together on covering all of the village pavement areas.
Resolved: the clerk to contact a named member of the Oddfellows with a request to attend the DCC course.
Resolved: Mrs Broomhead MBE to liaise with members of the HCG.
Resolved: Mr Grindey will accept delivery of the grit for distribution to some team members but not store the grit.
23.9.12 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, administration, mowing contractor
Cq 1703 Defib Store New defibrillator battery and delivery £78.00 VAT £13.00
Cq 1704 DDDC Election charges £135
Cq 1705 Acres Signs & Graphics New telephone box sign £192 VAT £32.00
Cq 1706 Hartington Village Hall Hire £27.50
Cq 1707 S Hampson Ink cartridges £19.00
Cq 1708 S Hampson October internet provision £17.00
Cq 1709 S Hampson October clerk’s salary £408.77
Cq 1710 S Hampson Reimbursement of expenses £15.10
Cq 1711 B W Coles September x 2 mowing £564.00 VAT £94.00
23.10.13 Christmas tree and power source
It will be very expensive to put in a new power source to the grass island plus standing charges would be occurred on a daily basis. The use of large batteries will not be successful. Mr Annat had drafted a letter to a resident regarding a Christmas tree and another resident also has a very large tree which could be cut down for the purpose. The previous power source is no longer available. Other sources were considered but some are too far away for overground cables to be used.
Resolved: Mr Sherratt to view the large tree for suitability.
Resolved: Mrs Broomhead MBE to visit sites for suitable power sources.
Resolved: The clerk to contact Derbyshire County Council regarding a possible power source.
23.10.14 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals
There were no new planning applications to consider.
23.10.15 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting
Previously reported highway issues remain untouched by DCC.
Resolved: the clerk to report a new issue of a broken post underneath the seat nearest to Springfield House. This has resulted in a hole which be a second hazard.
23.10.16 Correspondence and communication
Electric vehicle charging points, Peak Park news, GDPR course with DALC, PPPF AGM, Rural funding digest, parish and town council liaison, councillor fundamental training, new refuse rounds, Rural bulletin, News from DCC, DALC items for sale, DALC newsletter.
23.10.17 Items for the next agenda
War Memorial and plaque, Neighbourhood Plan, local projects fund, uses of telephone box, former cheese factory site, drainage and flood team, Remembrance Day, burial ground and mowing and spraying contract requirements for 2024-26, banking, coronation plinth and donation. MMA. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.
Resolved: the clerk to make further enquiries regarding banking.
23.10.18 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 8th November 2023 (NB this is not the first Wednesday)
Confidential Items
23.10.19 War Memorial and information plaque
The contractor confirmed that the works to be undertaken at the War Memorial will be completed prior to Remembrance Day.
The clerk had contacted a contractor regarding the use of a sloping piece of limestone carved with an agreed inscription detailing the history of the War Memorial. The contractor had confirmed that unfortunately, the content of the inscription was too much to fit on a piece of limestone on the advised size and the contractor had suggested the use of a brass plaque. The contractor also only dealt with granite.
Resolved: The clerk to seek a quote from a supplier of brass plaques.
Resolved: Mr Sherratt to supply contact numbers for suppliers of limestone and Mr Annat to produce a specification for a wedge-shaped piece of limestone.
The meeting was declared closed at 8.45 pm.
Mrs S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
6th October 2023
©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting