A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Thursday, 3rd March 2022 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse of Hartington Village Hall.
Present: D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, A Grindey, R Sherratt, S Bruce, the clerk, S Hampson. There were 2 members of the public in attendance until the end of the public speaking section.
Part 1 Non-confidential information
22.3.1 Apologies and attendance register
Mr S Wager was away; other members completed the attendance register.
22.3.2 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.
Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings. The minutes were signed by Mr Annat
22.3.3 Public speaking
Two members of the public attended the meeting to discuss the possibility of a heritage centre and cheese retailing outlet at the location of Peakland Grange. They raised issues of competition and impact on employees at the existing cheese shop. Mr Annat advised that economic competition is not grounds for opposition to a planning proposal. He provided an update on the parish council’s 100% opposition to such a proposal already recorded in previous minutes and the existence of a covenant at the site from a previous owner of the former cheese factory related to cheese production. Mr Annat also provided information about the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan linked to Hartington being a DS1 settlement and links to future development. The members of the public were aware of expressing their opinions in advance of a formal application.
22.3.4 Update from District Councillor
The District Councillor had forwarded apologies due to attendance at another meeting for Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC). Mr Annat raised an issue which will require assistance from the District Councillor involving the appalling state of the District Council car park on Mill Lane. The coping stones have been removed from the internal walls, leaving rubble stone behind on the site. Residents from Parsons Close have been led to believe that all the internal walls will be removed at some point. It was reported that vehicular damage has occurred on the car park.
Trees have been planted on a crescent shaped area of land at the end of one of the Parsons Barns. The ownership of this land was not clear at the meeting; however, the impact on visibility from the exit of the car park was of concern.
Resolved: To contact the district councillor and DDDC for an update on the works on the car park.
Resolved: To contract DDDC regarding the impact of the trees adjacent to the entrance to Parsons Close and the DDDC car park and clarification of ownership of the crescent shaped area of land concerned.
22.3.5 Mowing contract and tenders
A two year mowing contract was put in place in 2021. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, the excellent contractor had advised the clerk after the February meeting that he would be unable to fulfil the second year of the contract in 2022. As the contract was due to recommence in April, this posed an issue for the parish council. The clerk had contacted some contractors in advance of the meeting. Mr Annat had placed an advertisement. Mr Annat had sent a personal communication to the contractor but unfortunately, he will be unable to continue
At the time of the meeting, two contractors had replied to the clerk and expressed interest in the contract but had been unable to supply a tender in time for the meeting.
Resolved: Mr Annat to meet with prospective contractors at a mutually convenient time and date to clarify any queries.
Resolved: Members to liaise electronically when the tenders arrive.
22.3.6 The Stanner
The clerk had contacted Derbyshire County Council (DCC) again with reference to their map and had pointed out the need for the repair work but there was no response in time for the meeting.
22.3.7 War Memorial trees
Replacing the War Memorial trees was discussed at length due to potential issues which may arise in the removal of existing trees including avoiding damage to the War Memorial paved floor area and the rear boundary wall. Animals grazing in the adjacent field must not be affected by the replacement species. Accommodating 12 trees in the existing space may again lead to survival issues with the trees. Members discussed the possibility of acquiring a small additional area of land at the rear of the existing wall. This would enable the wall to be rebuilt further back to provide additional space for new trees to grow and survive. It was thought necessary for the 12 trees to be of equal size to represent the fallen men equally from both wars. It was also thought that ‘thinner’ trees may be more successful.
Resolved: The clerk to approach the landowner with a request to purchase a small amount of land to enable the above considerations to be achieved. The parish council would also meet all legal costs involved in the purchase.
Resolved: Mr Annat to make further contact with Derwent Treescapes.
22.3.8 Former cheese factory site
The clerk had contacted the planning officer concerned with the development and had reported the queries associated with constructions now being made out of different stone. A response had been received and forwarded to members in advance of the meeting. The response confirmed some of the dwellings on the site have permission to be constructed of gritstone rather than limestone, as per the most recent approval at the site. The officer had included a site plan detailing that plots J, P and S are permitted to be constructed from either limestone or gritstone. The officer also advised that if the council becomes aware of other houses on the development being constructed in these materials then he will arrange, if advised, for this to be looked in to further.
22.3.9 Flooding
Mrs Broomhead MBE advised that the flood defences had been installed at the Primary School by DCC. Mr Annat advised that the water levels in the village were at present, manageable. DCC flooding news letters had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting.
22.3.10 Telephone box
The clerk had again contacted the BT phone box adoption team as the £1 purchase cheque had not been presented. BT had confirmed that the adoption was complete and there was no need to issue another cheque.
Mrs Broomhead MBE reported that the telephone box had been discussed at the Hartington Community Group meeting and she would approach volunteers to assist with some appropriate renovation works.
22.3.11 Neighbourhood Plan
An brief article has appeared in News and Views. Another meeting had taken place at Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) to discuss some issues, most of which were resolved. The development boundary will be enshrined in law. Mr Annat reported that there will be a lot of rewriting of the plan to make some statements more specific rather than generic and to show heritage assets and parcels of land for the future.
22.3.12 Grit bins
The clerk had chased the refilling of the parish council’s grit boxes and the DCC box on Reynard’s Lane. Mr Grindey reported that the quantities remained the same in the boxes and these had not been attended to since the last meeting.
22.3.13 Queen’s Jubilee
Mrs Broomhead MBE reported that planning for the Queen’s Jubilee was progressing; a grant has been obtained. Plans for a beacon have been privately registered and scheduled for 2nd June. A ‘save the date’ has been publicised in News and Views and every household will receive an invite. Planting a permanent tree to commemorate the jubilee had been discussed at the Hartington Community Group meeting suggesting the use of the grass island used for the Christmas tree. The parish council members discussed this.
Resolved: to not support the planting of a tree as a permanent feature on the grass island or the village green as a permanent feature would not be in keeping with the open aspect of the market place area.
22.3.14 Planters
Mrs Broomhead MBE advised that the old planters will be removed in April along with old baskets from near the Stanner. Construction of the new planters will shortly commence. An application has been made to PDNPA for peat free compost and the new planters will be planted with bee friendly plants. A wild flower trail will be set up around the village. Information boards will be displayed to provide information of the contents of the planters.
22.3.15 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration
Cq 1585 Hartington Village Hall Hire £27.50
Cq 1586 Shelter Maintenance Ltd Bus shelter cleaning £10.72 (VAT £1.79)
Cq 1587 S Hampson March internet provision £17.00
Cq 1588 HMRC Quarter 4 income tax £188.60
Cq 1589 S Hampson Clerk’s salary £251.36
Cq 1590 S Hampson Reimbursement of expenses £9.70
Cq 1591 Hartington Village Hall Hire for Neighbourhood Plan £12.00
Cq 1592 D Annat Website licence £71.86 (VAT £11.98)
The clerk had prepared a letter for authorisation by some of the signatories to enable the clerk to be able to order cheque books, paying in books and statements and discuss items presented through the account. The clerk will continue not to be an authorised signatory.
Resolved: to sign the above letter.
Resolved: to investigate on-line banking and the item on the next agenda.
22.3.16 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals
Certificate of lawfulness for Hall Bank House orangery at the rear of the property.
Resolved: to support the certificate of lawfulness for the orangery at the rear of Hall Bank House.
22.3.17 Highway issues and yellow lines, potholes, footpaths, street lighting
The street light near Springfield House is still out.
Resolved: the clerk to report the street light for repair to DCC.
It was reported that an excessive amount of cars had been parked on Hall Bank due to bookings at the YHA. This had caused obstructions for milk tankers etc and resulted in damage to the grass verge maintained by the parish council. The size of the YHA car park is inadequate. The management of the village YHA were not aware of all the bookings taken by the Head Office at Matlock; this is a key issue. Mrs Broomhead MBE suggested that the DDDC car park on Mill Lane could be considered for YHA parking after 5 pm.
Resolved: To write to the YHA Head Office, with a copy to Hartington YHA, to report the unacceptable volume of vehicles recently experienced in the village and to request that more offroad parking facilities by examined including around the YHA bungalow area and to ensure the booking systems are attended to.
The footpath at Wolfescote Dale joining up to the Beresford Dale bridge is now all mud and inaccessible for walkers.
Resolved: To request that the above footpath be attended to and incorporate some stone to help with the accessibility.
22.3.18 Correspondence and communication
Included: energy and cost of living event through Citizens Advice Bureau, waste and recycling report, Peak Park Parishes Forum affordable home floor areas.
22.3.19 Items for the next agenda
Stanner, War Memorial Tree, Neighbourhood Plan, flooding, grit bins, telephone box, Queen’s Jubilee update, planters, mowing contract. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.
22.3.20 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 6th April 2022
Part 2 Confidential information
There were no confidential matters to discuss. The meeting was declared closed at 9.00 pm
Mrs S Hampson,
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council,
5th March 2022
©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting