Latest Minutes

Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council


A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Thursday, 8th December 2022 at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse


Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, A Grindey, S Bruce, S Wager and R Sherratt and the clerk,

S Hampson.  There was one member of the public in attendance.

Part 1 Non-confidential information
22.12.1 Apologies and attendance register

The members present completed the attendance register. District Councillor Chapman was not in attendance.

22.12.2 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.  


Resolved: to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat


22.12.3 Public speaking

There was one member of the public in attendance. 

22.12.4 Update from District Councillor
The District Councillor was not in attendance. 
22.12.5 Former cheese factory site

Mr Annat reported that despite a meeting being arranged with the new chief executive of Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA), the meeting was cancelled, by PDNPA, on the morning of the meeting with very little notice given as the planning officer connected to the development was ill. Mr Annat reported that all parish council emails are being recorded. Mr Annat reported that it was distressing that the PDNPA cannot get dates correct and he is still without a response to some of his communications. The clerk suggested that this was very unprofessional on the behalf of PDNPA as a resident, due to attend the meeting, had actually arrived at the PDNPA offices prior to the meeting being cancelled. Mr Annat reported that he had put in an enormous amount of work prior to the scheduled meeting. The legal error by PDNPA’s legal department, connected to the development, has been admitted.


Mr Annat asked the council whether they consider the PDNPA to be fit for purpose in relation to future major developments. Pre-planning advice has not been available now for approximately two years, 


Resolved: Mr Annat to take up PDNPA matters with District Councillor Mr Chapman, in his capacity as Vice Chairman of PDNPA.


There was no further update regarding the potential heritage cheese building. It was reported that conditions regarding access to Bridge End Farm had slightly improved since the last meeting. It was reported that storage at the development site remains an issue, with items continually being stored on green field areas. Members considered this to be a breach of planning.

22.12.6 Telephone box and painting

Mr Annat reported that he had taken some photographs to send to the clerk to enable contact to be made with prospective contractors regarding the future refurbishment.


Resolved: Mr Annat to forward photographs of the telephone box to the clerk.

22.12.7 Neighbourhood plan

Mr Annat reported that the appointed consultant has been assessing the Neighbourhood plan to ensure it is fit for purpose, involving assessment of all of the reports, statements and conditions to comply with core and planning policy. Her fees are £550 per day.  The first invoice is anticipated prior to the end of the current financial year. Mr Annat reported that he had completed a grant application for £8,410 connected to funding towards the production of the Neighbourhood Plan to include monies to design a separate website for the neighbourhood Plan. A further meeting will take place between Mr Annat and the consultant.


The parish council members thanked Mr Annat for the hard work connected to the production of the Neighbourhood Plan and the grant application.


22.12.8 Bank Account

A response to the clerk’s request for further information about on-line banking had not been received in time for the meeting.

Resolved: To place the item on future agendas.
22.12.9 Flooding and camera survey

Mr Wager reported that he had liaised with a professional known to him who could undertake an underground camera survey and had agreed that he could meet with Mr Annat. Mr Annat reported that Derbyshire County Council (DCC) do not have funding to undertake such a survey. A resident at the top of Stonewell Lane had apparently undertaken a private survey to establish that water is freely running at this particular location. 


It was reported that a camera survey is required between the new housing development and the Dale, to gather evidence of problem areas to subsequently report to DCC. The Dig Street culvert has collapsed and the culvert to the new housing development has been restricted.  Mr Annat stated he is fearful that there may be another incidence of flooding within the village and an underground picture to report to DCC is, therefore, desirable. 


Resolved: Mr Wager to further liaise with his contact, to arrange a mutually convenient appointment with Mr Annat to hopefully progress matters.

22.12.10 War memorial trees and wall

Mr Annat had liaised with the company able to supply the replacement trees and to prepare for planting. The estimate for the supply, transport, preparation and planting was in the region of £3000. This will enable 12 identical trees of 2-2.5 metre in height to be reserved, purchased and delivered to the site and to also include stakes and compost. Mr Annat also suggested that the services of their nurseryman for half a day would be beneficial to the longevity of the 12 trees. Mr Annat supplied a photograph of the Juniper Blue Arrow trees which will remain as 12 distinct trees, to represent the 12 fallen village soldiers during the world wars.


The removal of the existing trees was discussed, with advice from Mr Sherratt and Mr Grindey, together with a date for the appointed contractor to rebuild the wall in the new location.


Resolved: Mr Grindey to assist Mr Sherratt to remove the existing walls with mechanical means, prior to the removal of the existing wall.

Resolved: The clerk to ascertain the date proposed by the appointed contractor to rebuild the wall in the new location.

Resolved: Mr Wager to liaise with the Oddfellows regarding the taking down of the existing wall.

Resolved: Mrs Broomhead MBE to liaise with the landowner.

Resolved: Mr Annat to confirm with the nursery regarding the reservation and delivery of the trees plus the nursery man services.


22.12.11 Enclosure award to the archive.

Mr Annat had not had the opportunity to liaise further with the Archive. It was further reported that the detail of the digital record of the Enclosure Award was wonderful.


Resolved: An article will be prepared regarding the digital enclosure award which covers more than the parish of Hartington Town Quarter.  The copyright will remain with Hartington Town Quarter.


Resolved: To place an article regarding the digital copy in the March/April edition of News and Views.


22.12.12 Grit bin monitoring

Mr Grindey had kindly checked all of the parish grit bins and reported that the bin on Station Hill required a refill of grit. Mrs Bruce enquired about the possibility of a new grit bin to be located at the top of Stonewell Lane due to the water running down the lane which periodically freezes.


Resolved: The clerk to order the grit from DCC for delivery, as soon as possible for the bin on Station Hill.

Resolved: The clerk to request a suitability assessment for a possible new grit bin at the top of Stonewell Lane.


22.12.13 Budget and precept setting 2023-24

The clerk had forwarded a copy of the accounts to date, together with a detailed budget forecast for 2023-2024. This was discussed by the members. The clerk continues to recover £410 each year by way of reimbursable expenditure from Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) towards mowing costs in the cemetery. This is capped at £410. It was acknowledged that burial income is inconsistent and could be nil in 2023-24. The parish council has undertaken the refurbishment of the pond and the forthcoming War Memorial project is another large financial project. Expenditure for additional tarmac and remedial work around the grass island and Stanner also needs to be undertaken. Mr Annat thanked the clerk and responsible finance officer for the detailed accounts and budget projections.


Resolved: To increase the precept for 2023-24 from £8,000 to £10,000 plus £410 reimbursable expenditure.

Resolved: The clerk and responsible finance officer to complete the necessary documentation to DDDC.


22.12.14 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, general administration, mowing contractor

Cq 1634 S Hampson               December clerk’s salary                                             £387.97

Cq 1635 S Hampson               December internet provision                                      £17.00

Cq 1636 S Hampson               January clerk’s salary                                                 £387.97

Cq 1637 S Hampson               January internet provision                                          £17.00

Cq 1638 S Hampson               Reimbursement of expenses                                       £10.05

Cq 1639 Hartington Village Hall Hire                                                                       £27.50

Cq 1640 Shelter Maintenance Bus shelter cleaning service (January)                      £11.24 VAT £1.87

Cq 1641HMRC                       Quarter 3 income tax                                                  £290.80

Cq 1642 D Annat                    Reimb. contribution towards electricity for xmas tree £60 *

Cq 1643 WACFR                   Section 137 donation defib testing                             £100


*The parish council remains grateful to the resident facilitating the electricity supply to the Christmas tree.


22.12.15 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals

NP/DDD/1122/1411 2 Hall Bank 2 storey side extension, removal of limestone dash.


Resolved: to support this proposal as there will be no visibility issues from the highway.


22.12.16 Highway issues and yellow lines, potholes, footpaths, street lighting

It was reported that the street light recently fixed near the school house was in fact faulty once more. Pot holes are forming around the grass island in the village centre. The poor surface of the road over Hall Bank to High Cross remains very poor despite reports to Highways.

Resolved: The clerk to report the above issues to DCC.
22.12.17 Correspondence and communication

Details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and in addition to those matters covered by the agenda included:  Mobile library routes, DCC news.


Mrs Broomhead MBE raised a request, for funding from the parish council, towards the cost of a portable 24-hour ECG monitor for Hartington Surgery; the surgery will not fund this. This item was not on the agenda.   The separate Patients’ Group is a charitable trust and their members are attempting to raise funds through a number of different means. Mr Annat advised that a process must be followed before consideration could be considered by the parish council. The clerk advised that the parish council cannot fund the surgery but clarification could be sought from DALC regarding the possibility of a donation towards the Patients’ Group, as a charity. She also suggested that all parishes served by the surgery could be considered to make a contribution towards the device.


Resolved: The clerk to seek advice from DALC regarding a possible donation.

Resolved: To place the item on the next agenda and Mrs Broomhead MBE to supply further cost and other contributor details for this meeting.

Resolved: Mr Annat to forward thanks and gratitude from the parish council to a resident for his dedication in ensuring the wheeled bin from the parish council cemetery is always brought down for collection by the refuse service. 

It was reported that volunteers will shortly remove excess flag irises from the pond. Whilst no involvement from the parish council will be required for this, the debris will be placed into a large builders’ bag and will required removing. The parish council members expressed gratitude to the volunteer team for the action to be taken with the pond.


Resolved: Mr Grindey to kindly remove the bag of debris after the task is complete.

22.12.18 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial Trees and wall, Neighbourhood Plan, Telephone Box, digital enclosure award to Archive, former cheese factory site, grit bin monitoring, portable ECG monitor. Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.


22.12.19 Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 1st February 2023 as the parish council does not meet each year in January.


The meeting was declared closed at 9.05 pm.

Mrs S Hampson
Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council
10th December 2022