Dear Councillor/Parish Clerk,
Derbyshire Dales District Council has announced its bin collections schedule for the Christmas and New Year period.
The most significant change is for Dales residents who usually get waste and recycling collections on Wednesdays. As Christmas Day falls on a Wednesday this year, their Christmas collection is brought forward to Saturday 21 December, while what would have been a New Year’s Day collection is a day later on Thursday 2 January.
Usual Monday and Tuesday collections will remain unchanged over the festive period, while Thursday and Friday collections will be one day later than usual.
This means the District Council’s waste and recycling contractor Serco will be working on Saturdays 21 December, 28 December and 4 January.
Dales residents are asked to note that no additional household waste will be collected, so are advised to make sure all their household waste is contained in their grey bin with the lid shut, or, for homes on a sack collection, in four standard sized black sacks.
Food waste collections will continue to happen weekly and recycling collections fortnightly over the festive period.
To help prioritise household waste and recycling collections at this busy time of year, all garden waste collections are suspended from Monday 30 December to Friday 10 January inclusive.
However, Dales residents who subscribe to the District Council’s garden waste scheme will be able to recycle their real Christmas tree by placing it at the edge of their property on their green/recycling day between 13 January and 7 February. Trees need to be cut down to no longer than 5 feet, with all decorations and any pot removed.
Every household in the district received a Christmas and New Year collections timetable (see poster attached) in the Dales Matters Autumn 2024 resident publication, and a collection calendar is also available to view online at
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