The Parish Annual Meeting of Hartington Town Quarter was held on Wednesday, 10th May 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Bakehouse of Hartington Village Hall.

Present:  Members of Hartington Town Quarte Parish Council and the Clerk to the parish Council:  Mr D Annat, Mr A Grindey, Mrs E Broomhead MBE, Mrs S Bruce and

Mrs S Hampson.  There were no members of the public in attendance.

Report by the Chairman of the parish council, 2022-2023

The Chairman of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council gave a report detailing the accomplishments and events throughout the year of the parish council and progress of the Neighbourhood Plan.  He also expressed thanks to the fellow members of the parish council and the clerk for their hard work during the previous year.

Please see the report below for full details.

Parish items raised by members of the public

There were no members of the public in attendance for the Parish Annual Meeting.

The meeting was declared closed at 7.30 pm to be followed by the Annual Meeting of Hartington Town Quarte Parish Council.

Mrs S Hampson

Clerk to Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

12th May 2023


The past year has seen two significant and long-lasting achievements in the renovation of the village pond and the removal and replanting of 12 trees behind our listed war memorial. Disappointingly however, we have still not seen the Affordable Houses built at Peakland Grange, nor have we managed to get the Flood Authority to conduct a full survey of our storm water drainage system. Roads remain in poor repair, despite constantly chasing Highways and we have had several very unpleasant incidents to pedestrians due to potholes.

Planning and Development

We welcome new residents with around 20 of the new houses in Stonewell Lane and Peakland Grange now occupied, but importantly the four affordable homes are not completed, nor is the Swale flood alleviation channel.

The village has endured yet another year of building disruption, with a number of unpleasant interchanges between workers and residents and the important right of way to Bridge End Farm, virtually unpassable during long phases of building.

We finally met with the Head of Planning at the Peak Park and made clear our concerns about how this major development has evolved, without a single plot or house corresponding to the plans approved by the government inspector. We are told the four affordable homes will be completed by August, long after the remainder of the development. We wait in hope!

In March we received a pre-application proposal for a huge cheese shop/café with 50 car park spaces in the green fields to the north of Stonewell Lane. A public meeting was held in April to inform residents and attended by well over 100 people, who almost unanimously opposed the plans. Minutes of the meeting are recorded on the parish council website.

Parish Council Projects

The removal of 40 tonnes of silt and the renovation of the pond was accomplished entirely by members of the parish council and volunteers and at a minimal cost. Members of the wildflower group thinned the iris, and the only disappointing element is that the flood overflow to the Stanner is clearly blocked. We await a date for this to be repaired.

Councillors walked the storm water system with the DCC flood team and were given an estimate of around £20,000 to survey the system. We continue to press for this as another storm event could again cause significant flooding, due to the restriction of the culvert along Stonewell Lane, during construction works for the new development.

We still have a small amount or renovation work to complete on the stone flags around the war memorial, but the 12 Juniper trees, representing the 12 fallen servicemen, are in place and should retain their shape over the years to come.

The steps around the Village Pump were renovated and repaired.

The new Garden of Remembrance area in the public burial ground has been successfully used and provides a large number of new spaces for future memorial plaques.

Neighbourhood Plan

We successfully applied for a grant to employ a planning expert to help complete the plan and its associated statutory documents. Several are now complete, and we hope to again apply for monies in this new financial year. Scrutiny by our consultant, who has extensive experience of Peak Park policy, has led to a host of amendments but real progress is being made with an aim to submit the plan to the Authority in 2023.

Other Matters

Another very successful Christmas Tree event took place, with the tree provided free of charge but we note that with the sad passing of the owners of the Corner House, we must urgently seek another source of electricity for the lights. We will approach Western Power in this respect.

Our mowing is on a two-year contract and we look forward to another excellent job by the contractors.

Finally, may I thank our Parish Clerk for another outstanding year of service with accounts fully approved and audited. Also, to my fellow councillors who have all agreed to serve into the next term.


David Annat

Chairman Hartington Parish Council

Hartington Town Quarter Parish Meeting Minutes


The annual parish council meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 10th May at 7.30pm in the Bakehouse following the parish annual meeting held in Hartington Village Hall.

Present:  D Annat, E Broomhead MBE, R Sherratt, A Grindey, S Bruce and the clerk, S Hampson. There were no members of the public in attendance.

Part 1 Non-confidential information

23.5.1 Apologies and attendance register

Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from Mr Wager.  The other members present completed the attendance register.

23.5.2 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Mr D Annat was unanimously elected as Chairman.

Mr A Grindey was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman.

23.5.3 Declaration of acceptance of office of Chairman and members

Mr Annat completed the acceptance of office for both Chairman and member before the proper officer, Mrs Hampson.  The other members completed their acceptance of office forms before the proper officer of the parish council, Mrs Hampson.

23.5.4 Completion of members’ interest forms

These had been sent in advance of the meeting by the clerk.  All members present completed their forms.

23.5.5 Declaration of personal/prejudicial interest of councillors

There was no need, by any member present, to complete an entry in the register.

23.5.6 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and posted on the parish council’s website and noticeboard.

Resolved:  to accept the minutes as a true record of proceedings.  The minutes were signed by Mr Annat

23.5.7 Public speaking

There were no members of the public in attendance at the annual parish council meeting.  Mr Annat thanked everyone involved with the recent coronation celebrations including the primary school, Hartington Community Group, The Oddfellows, British legion and also congratulated all the efforts made by these groups and the volunteers involved in the Big Tidy Up.

Mrs Broomhead MBE advised that the parish council would be invited to a meeting on Thursday, 8th June connected to the purchase of the portable 24 hour ECG machine which multiple parish councils and organisations had contributed to.

23.5.8 Update from District Councillor

The District Councillor was not in attendance.

23.5.9 Internal audit of accounts for the year ended 31st March 2023

This had been forward to members in advance of the meeting.  There was nothing to bring before the council.  Mr Annat thanked the clerk and responsible finance officer for the production of another set of year end accounts.  The internal auditor did not require any item to be raised before the council.  The clerk had approved the accounts prior to the meeting.

23.5.10 Section 1 Annual Governance Statement

Resolved:  This was approved and signed by the Chairman and Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer.

23.5.11 Agar certificate of exemption

Resolved: Due to both the income and expenditure for the year ended 31st March 2023 being less than £25,000 the parish council was eligible to complete the certificate of exemption from full audit.

Resolved:  to agree to an exemption from full audit.  The certificate was signed in the meeting.

23.5.12 Accounting Statement

Resolved:  The figures approved by the Clerk and Internal Auditor were accepted and signed by both the clerk/ Responsible finance officer and the Chairman

23.5.13 Former cheese factory site

Both Mr Annat and Mr Grindey had attended a meeting at Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) offices with the new Head of Planning and Area Manager.  A number of previous personnel involved with the development have now left.   Mr Annat had provided a summary.  The development plans are now so far from the original plans.  PDNPA accepts there are problems and appreciated problems faced by the community during the process.  PDNPA is trying to provide support and to keep the parish council informed, where permitted to do so.  Further applications are likely which may then subsequently be withdrawn.  PDNPA has been made aware of issues with the culvert and swale.  Mr Annat reported that the meeting was positive and productive and thanked Mr Grindey for his attendance.


PDNPA had offered pre-application advice regarding proposals for a large cheese shop, cafeteria and parking but so far, this has not been taken up.  The parish council were surprised and delighted by the huge level of public attendance at the previous public meeting with the vast majority of attendees being opposed to such a proposal.  The parish council await further information and an application and will respond appropriately upon receipt.  Also see item 23.5.20 regarding planning involving a change of construction materials.


23.5.14 Neighbourhood Plan

The planning consultant had completed and submitted 2 documents to PDNPA.  By far the largest document is the consultation statement which has been worked on for 8 years.  This has to comply with the most up to date policy and involves a tremendous amount of work, particularly surrounding the protection of green spaces.  Mr Annat reported that a further grant will be applied for.  Unspent monies from the previous financial year’s grant have to be returned (see items of account).

Resolved:  at the request of the planning consultant, to reissue a replacement cheque with a revised payee.

23.5.15 War Memorial

The clerk had contacted the contractor originally appointed to rebuild the War Memorial wall regarding the building of a small kerb in front of the recently planted new trees.  The wall did not need to be reconstructed.  Mr Annat thanked Mr Sherratt for the water supply to enable kind volunteers to regularly water the newly planted trees.  This will be required for approximately 3 months to enable the trees to thrive.

Resolved:  the clerk to request a site meeting with Mr Annat and the contractor regarding the kerb building and a suitable stone to affix an information plaque.

23.5.16 Telephone box and painting

The clerk had contacted the most local supplier of the authentic red paint suggested by BT at the time of purchase.  The supplier had not responded.  The clerk suggested that may be the Oddfellows could assist with some of the preparation work required on the telephone box prior to repainting.  Once complete, the telephone box could become a booth of history.


Resolved:  the clerk to contact the Oddfellows to consider assistance with some of the restoration of the former telephone box.

23.5.17 Bank Account

To be deferred to a future meeting.

23.5.18 Village trail anniversary plinth

Mrs Broomhead MBE clarified that the anniversary of the village trail is in July but there will be no additional plinth for this.  An additional plinth had been considered to mark the coronation.  Mr Annat advised that he could carve stone, however, the pump area was not the correct location.  Mrs Broomhead MBE advised that the Hartington Community Group may plant some trees.


Resolved:  more consultation is required regarding an additional plinth.  This topic may be noted in future underneath ‘Coronation’.

23.5.19 Items of account, salaries, HMRC, administration, contractor, insurance, election costs, DALC subscription

Cq 1650          Shelter Maintenance Ltd         Bus shelter cleaning               £11.24 (VAT £1.87)

Cq 1668          DALC                                     Annual subscription                £141.05

Cq 1669          Zurich Municipal                    Annual insurance                    £396.33*

Cq 1670          Hartington Village Hall          Meeting hire                           £27.50

Cq 1671          S Hampson                              May clerk’s salary                  £388.17

Cq 1672          S Hampson                              May internet provision            £17.00

Cq 1673          S Hampson                              Reimb. of expenses                 £17.30

Cq 1674          East Midlands Audit Services Internal audit service             £58.50

Cq 1675          B Coles                                   April mowing x1                     £282.00 (VAT £47.00)

Cq 1676          Groundwork UK                     Return of grant monies            £3150

Cq 1677          J Newman                               Reissue of cq with new payee £4725


*Resolved:  The annual insurance documents had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and these were accepted.


23.5.20 Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeals

NP/DDD/0423/0475 The Old Trap House, Dig Street

Proposed porch extension to dwelling

Resolved:  to support this application


NP/DDD/1222/1614 Hall Cottage, garage and extension

Resolved:  in light of changes made to the original application in reducing the garage height and the removal of the solar panels, by majority, to support this application.


NP/DDD/0423/0428 and listed building consent

Powder coated aluminium greenhouse sited on dwarf stone wall in keeping with existing stonework within the property

Resolved:  This cannot be seen from elsewhere.  The parish council has no formal objection but this proposal does not enhance the listed asset/building.


NP/DDD/0223/0156 Peakland Grange Plot 1

Mr Annat reported that it is likely that a change of use of stone will be approved.


Resolved:  to submit to Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA):  the parish council understands a change of use of stone is likely to go to committee; please advise us of the supplier of the stone used.


The planning decision notice had been received granting permission for the proposal at 19 Stonewell Lane.


PDNPA had offered pre-application advice but so far, this has not been taken up by applicants proposing a large cheese shop and cafeteria close to the Peakland Grange development.  As previously reported, the parish council was surprised and delighted by the huge attendance at the recent public meeting regarding this.  The parish council awaits further information from the applicants and will respond appropriately when received.


23.5.21 Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting, toad crossing sign

The clerk had contacted Derbyshire County Council (DCC) regarding the possibility of erecting a toad crossing sign to warn motorists.  DCC advised that such signs had not been erected now for a number of years but the Department of Transport had joined in partnership with the charity Frog Life.  Migratory toad warning signs can be used at approved sites by volunteers in the migration season but the signs must not obscure highway signs or reduced visibility.


Resolved:  The parish council supported the erection of temporary Migratory toad signs, when required.


It was reported that a lady had recently fallen as a consequence of a pot hole near the village shop.  This hole has previously received some intervention from DCC.  Subsequent to this, another lady had also fallen in the same pothole.


Resolved:  to report this pot hole again and to request immediate remedial action.

Resolved:  to report further pot holes on B5054 near Midcliffe Farm, Corner House/pond and a series of potholes between Hall Farm and the waterworks over Hall Bank.

Resolved:  to report exposed ironwork on a drain near the doctors’ surgery.

Resolved:  to request a site meeting with DCC to discuss the above matters and to copy County Councillor Spencer into communications.

Resolved:  to report again, the faulty street light near the School House.


23.5.22 Correspondence and communication

Details had been forwarded to members in advance of the meeting and in addition to those matters covered by the agenda included:  DALC newsletters, Rural Bulletins, DCC news, PDNPA mineral consultation.


In addition, documentation had been received regarding Parish Member elections to PDNPA.  A member of the parish council will give consideration to this.


The clerk had prepared new cemetery fees in line with those set by Derbyshire Dales District Council.


23.5.23 Items for the next agenda

War Memorial, Neighbourhood Plan, telephone box, former cheese factory site, review of policies.  Additional items to be compiled by the clerk.


23.5.24 Date of next meeting:  Wednesday, 7th June 2023


The meeting was declared closed at 9.10 pm.


Mrs S Hampson


Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council

18th May 2023

©Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council minutes remain draft until approved by the parish council at the next meeting