A meeting of Hartington Town Quarter Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday, 4th September 2024 at 7.30 pm in the Bakehouse


Part 1 Non-confidential information

  1. Apologies/Councillors’ attendance register
  2. Minutes of the previous ordinary meeting
  3. Public speaking
  4. Possible attendance by representative of Connect Fibre
  5. Update from District Councillor and possible update on field 0657
  6. Former cheese factory site
  7. Neighbourhood plan documents and grant application
  8. Underground camera survey
  9. Review of financial regulations
  10. Telephone box
  11. War Memorial stone
  12. FOI requests
  13. Christmas tree light switch on and use of green
  14. Items of account, salaries HMRC, general administration, banking, mowing contractor, external audit, wakes band
  15. Planning sub-committee, planning applications and appeal
  16. Highway issues, yellow lines, pot holes, street lighting
  17. Items for News and Views
  18. Correspondence and communication, email address
  19. Items for next agenda
  20. Date of next meeting: To be confirmed


Part 2 –Confidential Information 

Will councillors please advise the clerk in advance of parish council meetings if they are unable to attend the meeting to ensure a quorum can be met.

S Hampson,

Clerk to the parish council

10th August 2024